- Visually impressive
- Flight sequences are incredible. Beautifully done in a creative and epic way
- I just love the casual and funny talking between good guys and villains, how it makes no sense that they're are chatting out of nowhere, making the game so lively and charming
- English voice-acting is quite good (not something I often say about a non-original VA)
- The soundtrack is great, thanks to the star composers behind it
- Pretty generous game with a lengthy main story, a multiplayer mode, and a insane completion potential
- Being able to adjust difficulty is really nice, also it can be super hard especially for a Nintendo game
- The amount of weapons, which can be fuse between them for even more
- Lots of different monsters

- Ground sequence's controls are painful and irritating. There are a few control layouts but none of them feel natural and confortable. Constantly flicking the touch-screen for turning the camera become quickly tiring. Also, Pit's movement lacks some precision.
- Overall the ground sequences are not that fun. They are often too long, kinda repetitive, and the level-designs are just basic most of the times.
- Pit become exhausted after running, why ?! Pit even need to catch his breath is you don't stop. Irritating and unnecessary design choice, especially since it occurs even outside battles.
- Monsters design are quite random
- A remaster would be much appreciated, with reworked controls and 60 fps

Not actually scoring the game, but the remaster quality. They did a great job at keeping the game as retro and faithful as possible while adding lots of quality of life features very welcomed. The game itself is good, but I just can't criticize or score it as it's just too old, and the remaster is such a different experience from the original NES game.
Still it's pretty enjoyable, and the remastered soundtrack is so good.

A soulless souls-like
- Some boss fights are good
- Gun-play is decent
- Can be challenging
- There is firendly-fire
- Areas are empty and lifeless, making the exploration pretty boring
- Visual art looks random and have no identity. Just a jumble of designs ripped from other games
- Despite the different environments, the level-design and scenery quickly become monotonous, even during the first run
- Content locked behind RNG (encounters, items, weapons, etc)
- Confuse and uninteresting story. The narrative is poorly done overall.
- The draining stamina while running around is annoying...
- ...Especially since you often have to go back and forth through emptied maps
- Useless melee weapons
- Uneven difficulty
- Unpleasant and useless hub. I hate hubs.
- Beside guns, it doesn't bring anything to the genre

- Awesome and gigantic playground, with beautiful and diversified scenery, and a faithful reproduction of Bolivia
- Smooth and satisfying gameplay
- Decent gun-play with some ballistics
- Infiltration is basic yet effective and rewarding
- AI are not passive, the game can be really challenging at higher difficulties
- The insane amount of weapons
- Weapons have some customization
- The freedom to go wherever you want, doing whatever the way you feel, in the order you choose. The game basically never restrain nor solicit anything from you.
- All hostile NPCs are humans that can be killed with few bullets, even "bosses", there are no "bullet-sponge" enemies.
- Non-invasive story/dialogues that does not suck player's time
- Lots of optional content, requiring a huge playtime to be cleared
- Ultra repetitive loop of gameplay that does not evolve and remain the same throughout the entire game
- They are only 3-4 variations of content copy-pasted across the whole map
- Driving ground vehicles feels terrible and their physic is broken
- Loading can be very long (even with fast SSD), which is really annoying when you get instant killed by the AI in hard more, and you have to wait another 30+sec then walk back to the mission location.


8/10 - ❤️❤️❤️🖤

8/10 - ❤️❤️🖤🖤

6/10 - ❤️❤️🖤🖤

- On commence littéralement à poil dans le désert
- La map : grande, biomes variés et soignés, bon level-design
- Le farm bien équilibré
- Système de craft complet
- Le jeu qui te pousse à faire une vraie grosse base bien faite
- Le système de construction, assez libre sans que ça devienne nawak
- Les purges (vagues de mobs contre ta base)
- La mécanique des températures, simple, mais efficace
- Environnement plutôt réussis, quelques endroits bien beaux
- Le sentiment de progression en parcourant la map
- La coopération entre joueurs sur les serveurs PvE
- Très cool en multi

- Interface à la ramasse
- Gameplay des combats un peu chiant
- Des possibilités de builds pas très intéressantes (et pas équilibrées)
- IA partie aux fraises
- Strictement aucune infos en jeu (wiki obligatoire)
- Le jeu est trop facile
- Leveling trop rapide, on peut skip des pans entiers de map/contenu
- Très mal optimisé
- Tellement de trucs cassés et/ou mal branlés


- The feeling of really surviving during the first hours
- A very chill game after some time
- Nice coop experience
- Base-building is fun and permissive
- The satisfying automatic farm of raw materials with collection nets
- Story-driven, but it's not too invasive
- Item durability is annoying, especially without being able to repair them
- User interface needs some quality of life
- Maybe be too quiet at times?
- Some crafting recipes are useless (advanced meals, smoothies, armor)
- Not much replay value

- Dropkick bomb!!!
- Satisfying and fluid parkour with full control on it
- Movement feels good, with the right amount of inertia, you can see your own body and the animations looks real
- Super fun melee combat, with a lot of cool moves: vaulting/tackling zombies, dropkick, leg-breaking slide, dodge, stomping, sneaky takedown
- Streets and grounds are crawling with zombies, making you wanting to avoid them whenever it's possible by using parkour
- Zombies are tough, they can run, dodge, climb, grab you. They react to all kind of noises, and actively seek you.
- Great musical atmosphere and soundtrack
- Nights are really dangerous
- The main character have a decent voice acting
- I liked that the first-person camera is the point of view from the start to the end, even in cinematics.
- Bloated with excessive narrative, interminable dialogues/cut-scenes
- Mostly boring fetching quests, even story ones, with incessant back and forth between NPCs.
- Poor writing overall
- Having to wait for all players to be there before interacting with any NPC or quest related stuff
- Sliding is badly bugged (at least in coop mode)
- What a shame to end the game with a pitiful QTE sequence...
- The map is horrendous, with unclear background and stacking icons
- Grappling hook is fun but kinda overpowered, making parkour less used
- Why making an expansion DLC with no parkour ?!?

8/10 - ❤️❤️❤️🖤

8/10 - ❤️❤️❤️🖤

9/10 - ❤️❤️❤️🖤