9/10 - ❤️❤️❤️🖤

8/10 - ❤️❤️❤️🖤
Gameplay ciselé
Level-design d'excellence
Difficulté bien dosée
La grande liberté d'action
Chouette accompagnement musical
Sound-design de qualité
Écriture soignée
Le doublage japonais
Le maniement de la caméra pas toujours évident


Version 9.0

● L'idée des Covenants
● Quelques beaux endroits
● Activités end-game pas trop intrusives et optionnelles
● Game-design global équilibré (pas de système qui pourrit le jeu)

● Les Shadowlands (les zones) :
- Un manque de cohérence et d'unité
- Des zones isolées, étriquées
- Des thématiques qui ont un goût de déjà-vu
- Pas d'immersion : un côté artificiel, le sentiment
que c'est des maps de jeux avant d'être des lieux de
● The Maw, ratée à tous les niveaux
● Torghast, concept intéressant, chiant à la longue
● Oribos, la capitale :
- Mal intégrée dans l'univers, un hub central artificiel
- Artistiquement peu inspirée
- Très mauvais level-design
● Les features mécaniques des Covenants (Soul-binds, Conduits, capacités), pas toujours très excitantes
● Techniquement de moins en moins convainquant, le moteur mériterait d’être remis à neuf
● Bonne musiques, mais un léger manque de variété dans les compositions et instrumentalisations.
● Toujours la même routine depuis Legion...
● On se sent pas vraiment dans Warcraft...

"Pour moi le problème vient autant de Shadowlands : entre l'Ombreterre que je n'aime pas, les zones isolées/étriquées, des thématiques déjà-vu (dans WoW ou ailleurs), le manque global d'immersion, l'impression persistante de ne pas se sentir dans Warcraft. Des features comme The Maw et Torghast qui sont des corvées. Les mécaniques pas très excitantes des soul-bind/conduits...

... Que de la formule actuelle de WoW, qui est la même depuis Legion : toujours la même routine à base de farm de world-quests, farm de mythique+, farm de réputation, rempli ta jauge d'AP/Azerite/Anima, débloque la puissance de ton Artefact/Coeur d'azeroth/Covenant, avance ta campagne > repeat.

Comme WoW Retail veut absolument nous servir le même plat à toutes les sauces, j'irai sur BC Classic histoire d'avoir enfin un menu différent."

7/10 - ❤️🖤🖤🖤

- Visually superb
- Well optimized
- Its art of setting
- Level-design well rounded
- The cover mechanic feels right
- Good sound-design
- Rather healthy building system and itemization
- Cool soundtrack
- New York

- Washington, not much of a sexy setting, kind of repetitive
- The open-world is boring
- The UI
- Some not so fun skills and dispensable ones
- Some issues with the flow and practicality when using certain skill/item
- Gun's feedbacks always ends to feel the same after a while, not much variety
- Encounters design is more or less the same everywhere, same goes for its level-design
- Limited bestiary
- The end-game, not so much engaging
- Doing the same missions again and again, that's tiresome
- New York is under-used

- Visuellement très réussi
- Bien optimisé
- Son art de la mise en scène
- Level-design bien foutu
- Le système de cover qui marche bien
- Bon sound-design
- Système de build et itemisation plutôt sain
- La bande-son cool
- New York

- Washington, un cadre pas très sexy et un peu redondant
- L'open-world assez ennuyant
- L'interface
- Certains skills pas très funs et/ou anecdotiques
- Quelques soucis de fluidité/praticité dans l'utilisation de certains skills/items
- Le feedback des guns qui a du mal à se renouveler
- Le design des rencontres c'est toujours plus ou moins la même chose, leur level-design aussi.
- Bestiaire limité
- End-game pas très engageant
- Refaire encore et toujours les mêmes missions c'est usant
- New York, sous exploitée

7/10 - ❤️🖤🖤🖤

+ Exhilarating
+ Bold
+ Creative art
+ Music and sound-design
+ Short, so it don't get repetitive

- Randomly generated level-design can be frustrating

Early-access - March 2022
- Art direction uncommon and well done
- Building system
- Few but quality musics
- Sound design satisfying
- Clear objectives and progression
- Balanced difficulty
- Game encourage well built and decorated houses
- Mods can deeply modify the game
- Simplistic combat
- World generation is always the same and predictable
- Extended exploration is useless and unrewarding
- Distance is badly rendered by the engine
- Lack of distant visibility hurts immersion
- Farming feels always tedious
- Suffer from redundant progression pattern
- Lack of new interesting content
- New runs are no different from the previous ones

- Unbelievably rich, generous, and full of details and attention
- Exceptional soundtrack
- Every bit of text is voiced
- The freedom of action
- The richness of the combat system and the creativity it allows
- A true RPG character building where every attributes and abilities matters
- Countless choices that have real consequences, each runs of the game can be a different experience
- Coop is fantastic and one of a kind
- Sound-design well made
- AI shares the same skills than ours
- Inventory is a mess and its management unpleasant
- Combat can sometimes be visually cluttered and hard to read
- Double armor system have some downsides
- More serious and less silly than the first game. The story is on a more epic side, I missed the absurd but charming mess of the previous game

WoW: Dragonflight 10.0
- Back to a healthier game environment with no forced time-gated grind
- The new talents trees, which give many classes their best compilation
- The Dragonriding, fun and already indispensable
- Awesome soundtrack, as always
- Plenty of side open-world activities
- The expansion game-designs are friendly to secondary characters (rerolls)
- The game engine desperately needs to be upgraded. The lack of shaders, realistic lightning and proper render of distance make the game half as beautiful as it could really be. The art-team's work deserve better.
- The new continent could have been larger, more spacious, and could have used additional zones
- The open-world content (quests, events, grinds, etc) are pretty basic and not so fun
- Professions feels a bit bloated with items, recipes, skills, etc
- The lore is on the weak side, but can't say I care that much

- Very cool concept, and sooo many awesome ideas that derive from it (like all the map biomes/landmarks, the damage types, the milk molars, etc)
- Visually super clean and beautiful
- Good difficulty balance
- Lot of content
- Nice mix between sandbox and story-driven objectives
- Can be terrifying!
- Rich crafting
- Shared-save system for multiplayer, that's so great!
- Can be played as a real solo game and also super fun in coop
- Simple yet effective combat
- The 90s vibe
- Low replay value
- Base-building is kinda under-used
- Lack of musics
- Can be a bit grindy
- The kids characters could have been more written

- Unique atmosphere and universe
- Amazing art, including world-building and character-design
- One of the best soundtrack ever
- This awesome blending of genres (crime, noir, romance, comedy, absurd, etc)
- The story and character writing
- Awesome voice acting (english and french)
- This classic game deserved a more polished and ambitious remaster
- Controls and pathfinding are still a bit janky
- Old untouched backgrounds and new clean 3D models does not blend well
- Remastered cutscenes needed more love
- The feeling that the story is a bit disjoined, and could have been even better with more sequences/scenes

Hunt Showdown - 12-2022
- Pretty clever and well crafted game-design (PvE behavior, sound-effects, dark-sight, clues, boss-fights, bounties, etc)
- Incredible sound-design that is baked into the game-design
- Uncommon and varied arsenal of weapons and utilities
- Gorgeous rendering from the Cry Engine
- Well designed maps
- Bold themes and nice mix of genres (western-zombie-horror)
- Cool monster and character designs
- Menu's songs are great
- Decently balanced
- Games tend to look all the same, probably due to the lack of randomness
- Maps are too similar from each others. Their level-design should be more different so they doesn't plays the same.
- Early-game is often monotonous
- Endings can be anticlimactic, especially when you are the last team alive
- Movements are a bit rigid
- Lack of new content
- Browsing menus is kinda annoying