Played it once and I guess it didn't leave an impression on me. It was alright, I guess?

It was a fun little phase when I created a bunch of accounts to play a bunch at once.

Nothing extraordinary here, just another "hit the notes to the beat" game. I enjoy it, but it's nothing too memorable.

It had been a long time since I last played a WarioWare game heavily (Smooth Moves) and I did enjoy this one quite a bit! With so many characters and microgames, some combinations do feel extremely clunky but it's all in good fun. The missions add to replayability too. I didn't play it a ton, but it's a good game.

Quite charming, but it really feels like it's made for children. Still, it's a nostalgia hit in a good way, and I didn't dislike it in the way that I disliked BD/SP. Music was good - remixes are nice but nothing special; could have done with some more new music.

Not my cup of tea at all. I do enjoy social deduction games once in a while, but not when mixed with the kind of gameplay that exists in this game. Tried it a couple of times and then concluded I'd have more fun playing other party games.

My first Fire Emblem and largely my gateway into games with actual characters and storylines. Looking back, the writing was mostly nothing special, but I really enjoyed building up character supports. And I didn't really know what I was doing, but I guess the gameplay was engaging enough for me to play through all three routes to completion.

Clearly not memorable enough for me to remember basically anything about this game

I had a blast with this game. Granted, I played this before any Persona game - and the story, world, and characters are pretty flat in comparison. Still, the main cast and side stories are lovable and it's a fun glimpse into Japanese pop culture. The soundtrack is wonderful and production for the J-pop songs in particular is phenomenal.

The visual and musical styles aren't quite for me, but I did find this fun to play with friends a couple of times!

Really bare-bones presentation. A few of the games are decently fun to play for some time though, so it's not terrible.

This game is awesome because you can make all the performing characters Adam Levine at the same time

I don't care that much for 2D Kirby combat, so I didn't play this too much. By definition though it's cute, because, well, Kirby.

An alright party game, but I'm not personally a fan of how the controls feel.