Pretty weird by Mario standards. I didn't find it too memorable, but it did have some cool music.

This game revived my dead hopes that there would one day be a good main series Pokémon game again. The concept is fresh, the visuals are appealing, and both catching and battling Pokémon really felt exciting for the first time in decades with different mechanics. The soundtrack is a love letter to Diamond/Pearl's, with beautiful remixes and many smaller musical references mixed in. It's not perfect, but all the above things more than make up for its shortcomings and make it a fun experience. If Legends: Z-A is at least as good as this, I'll be truly happy.

The last dating sim I played featuring a pink-haired girl(s) resulted in someone getting stabbed, so I was a bit wary going into this one, but nope this one actually delivers exactly what's advertised

Yeah, it was here that I just stopped enjoying the Pokémon main series... I beat the game, started the post game, and then just went "man, I could be playing other games I know I'll enjoy more" and just put it down

I opened this once played it for 20 minutes and then proceeded to never play it again

Didn't play this too much at all, but I distinctly remember enjoying the multiplayer

It was fun for a good while, I love word puzzles and this is pretty well balanced for fun and difficulty. But it's pretty simple.

Quite a polished and enjoyable experience. I'm not sure why though, but I abandoned it rather quickly and didn't really feel too compelled to continue with it.

I enjoyed this far more than I was expecting to, not knowing how to dance. It's less restrictive than DDR/PIU and gives you more room to hit notes how you want (which isn't better or worse in terms of being enjoyable, just different). I found patterns to be relatively intuitive to pick up and quite fun to hit.

It's like Osu but with a bigger screen and an anime character to guide you, which means it's pretty fun! It is a bit hard to keep the whole screen in view though when you're so close to it.

There weren't that many games but the ones that are included here are surprisingly fun to replay

Honestly, I had hoped to like this game more than I actually ended up liking it. The story was nice but I think I'd have enjoyed it more with more exploration of the characters instead of shallow gameplay. The soundtrack, though - absolutely wondrous, and the main theme in particular is exemplary and a perfect example of how something so simple can sound so beautiful.

The cooking minigames were decently fun but there wasn't really that much to do in the game

Killer soundtrack and fun gameplay. I don't remember playing it a ton, but I did enjoy it!

Honestly, having the fifth player on the GamePad tapping to create platforms made this a really fun new addition when it'd normally have been pretty forgettable in the NSMB- line of games otherwise.