What if Kusabi actually said lend me 500 dollars instead of 50,000 yen would that be fucked up or wh

When they say peak gaming...


Ending E is the best credits sequence I have seen/played(?) in anything

i LOVE the walls of peace. i HATE the sprouts of war

They weren't lying, the third underwater really is a kamige. Holy shit

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Despite generally enjoying my time playing through this game, I cannot think of a less satisfying sequel than this. It just doesn't feel warranted in any way whatsoever by the end of it all and just kinda falls flat in the character development and writing department for it, specially in no small part thanks to its atrocious pacing at points.

The OST is nice enough, I had much more fun with the gameplay than in the OG TWEWY, and I felt Neku was overall handled pretty well. But the game as a whole won't leave much of a mark on me, and it feels a lil disappointing to admit. All in all though,, I still somewhat enjoyed the experience I had with it.

Geniunely don't even know what to say besides yeah wow this really was the greatest ace attorney game

Just as good as I remember it, can't wait to re-read the rest of the QAs

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Ryukishi's writing style may have its flaws (i.e. fluff that could be trimmed on many, many, occasions) but damn if I don't feel what he's communicating

This reread has only got me closer to this vn, always been a favorite since I initially read it in 2019 but revisiting it has only hit home why it means so much to me. These characters mean the world to me, so accepting their highs as well as their lows come equally as naturally. One of the best parts about viewing this story, ep 2 in particular, from the lens of a reread is ruminating constantly on the nature of [the culprit] and their pain in relation to themself and the world around them, which has been immaculate. And of course, this goes for every other character as well; they aren't just pieces on a chessboard, they're all individual human beings with their own pasts, motivations, and experiences shaping the ultimate 'self' they are. Being able to feel and empathize first-hand is unlike anything I feel reexperiencing another series can offer.

In conclusion holy shit I'm not ready for episode 3 & 4 part 2

Prior to this I did not expect to play-- much less enjoy an MMO in my entire life lmao

See, the story is fun and all but where I got most of my enjoyment was from the subplots contained in the MSQs. There's some kind of genuine atmosphere for a single player experience at its core to be placed directly into an MMORPG setting to me.

One of the most beautiful and unique games I've ever played

I will be beyond ecstatic if a sequel is finalized, there is so much to go off from here