Ever since Delta Chap 2 released I've slowly garnered such an incredible appreciation for this game since playing in September of 2020, absolutely one of my favorites

I think it's impossible for me not to cry during the moments leading up to the pacifist ending

This game is filled with an unbelievable amount of soul and charm

I loved the immediate and consistent theming around mental health, unsubtle as it is, perhaps even moreso bc of that

I can't dispute that it's clunky at times and
just straight up tedious at others (looking at you, Gloria's theater. And like. The entirety of the acrobatic section near the end holy shit) but it kinda burrowed its way into my mind in a way I wasn't completely expecting, loved this one a ton

I now truly and fully understand the phrase "Earthbound inspired indie RPG"

This was a pretty neat little segue into Psychonauts 2, maybe didn't have to exist but it did give more insight into the characters while showing that even 12 years later the dialogue and writing still retains the same charm and wittiness. As I watched one of my friends play it, I can't comment on the gameplay but the style and artistic direction were just as great as the first game in terms of creativity and even better in terms of fidelity of course! Def looking forward to playing 2 one of these days....

This game activated my brain in an unimaginable number of ways and honestly changed the way I view video game as a medium

I have never been more happy to grind for hours just to achieve a games' true ending

Neat and fun recap to the series at large and that's all it really needed to be... it's been a while since I first played the games and it really helped rekindle my love for them

EXCEPT why does Kairi still not get a proper role despite appearing to be the main focus of the game please Nomura she deserves so much better

It feels like every aspect of this game was perfectly crafted to work together in tandem, it does 2D platforming almost too well

The levels which unlock relics after you complete em were definitely my favs, right level of balance between challenging and fun except for 2-K and 4-K lmao those felt like being consistently punched in the gut after a while

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I am blown away a million times over

"Immersive" doesn't even begin to cover the full spectrum of feelings this game gave me, its realism perfectly eases the player into the brilliance of its world, atmosphere, and story.

Arthur Morgan is perhaps the greatest anti-hero I've ever encountered in fiction. The way the gameplay can diverge from the narrative in the ways you can choose for him to behave felt groundbreaking to me... since I went for mostly honorable actions he truly felt like a man trying his best; someone on the up and up. His character development near the end, and that last ride...'that's the way it is' left me in tears; it all felt so raw and natural after everything I did, HE did.

The gunplay never had a dull moment, in SPITE of its flaws, the missions were consistently fun, I've never experienced a more fluid, enjoyable, and diverse hunting system, and exploring the world was a breath of fresh air with how...alive, everything was. The attention to detail in this game is unmatched in such a way that I forgot I was even playing a game multiple times over. A true landmark for open-world games and 100% places it as my absolute favorite amongst the few I've played. I am so glad I took my time and made sure to explore just about everything to their limits.

You'll be alright boah.

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Little bit of a personal review but I felt it'd do me well to get it out there

Love truly can take on an infinite number of forms, huh

Going in I never expected to be completely enthralled by the simple kindnesses this world provides. The simple objective of 'go out into the world and spread LOVE' as a mechanic in a video game impacting me on a personal level...so profoundly? Even less so. Every single time I look back on it those final moments, the boy stepping out from his home into the world, and the inhabitants of MOON's world following suit I start to realize my own growth as a human being. Being someone so caught up in his own helplessness and depression for so many years, witnessing such a beacon of hope has aided me more than I realize on my current life's path. You can make it, you can find something you're truly, geniunely, interested in, you can converse with and find ways to make people happy, don't even matter that you've had so many issues breaking past your pain; you CAN. And that was something I needed then, I still need now.

The way I felt I truly changed through interacting with its story more personally was just unmatched and I adore it in its own way like no other.

Still so sad the fishing tourney was the only thing preventing me from getting all the love tbh I WOULDA but why did they make its RNG like that lmao

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"Our legacy is built upon the lies of our forefathers"

Quite an intriguing take on authoritarianism and racism through the lens most Dravanians are seen, the way its themes are laid bare so openly and clearly from the very first is just brilliance after enjoying ARR as a base, but not loving it as its own self contained story. Brilliant vibes, the atmosphere permeates every corner of Heavensward, and its music really makes you aware of that: I was in awe at the amount of times "Dragonsong" made an appearance throughout the experience, and really felt like the game at larges' leitmotif. ALSO pretty great character development in Ysayle, Alphinaud, Aymeric, Estinien, (thanks 3.3!) and even Hraesvelgr and the rest of the Dravanians.

Anyway I did not manage to finish the rest of the patches outside of 3.3 because I have been successfully and fully burnt out there is no way I'll be able to push myself any further ATM,,

I've heard tell of this being one of "the greatest PS4" exclusives for years so nothing like giving it a run through to confirm the hype surrounding it... loved this game, coming from DS1 there were a smorgasbord of fundamental gameplay changes between the two so the game easing you into the style of action/offensive oriented gameplay over DS1's more subdued defensive vibe w Father Gascoigne had me hooked from beginning to end

Old Hunters DLC was neat as hell too, Orphan of Kos and Lady Maria gotta be the two isolated best fights in the game to me

The moonlight parade segment left me with a huge grin on my face what a perfect way to end a game of this tone

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Jeez, I wasn't expecting this to be such a well made Musou game not only in its Atlus mainline Persona trademark quality of design but most prominently, its story and messages. Never did I imagine in my wildest dreams playing Persona 5 for the very first time 4 years ago that the writers would take the foundation laid down and build upon it in such a way that makes its message its own. Since Royal's new content evident by the third semester and Maruki's arc, they've been able to take the underlying message they were trying to push there and propel it to even greater heights. Forging your own path--even through all the pain naturally occurring in this world--the way we struggle to better ourselves & our lives, and not giving in to one, sole, source of false hope to somehow miraculously repel all of our woes and give us perfect ways of being. It was evident immediately as they introduced the Futaba ascribed "trauma jails" that I could begin to see the glimmer of the new writers' talent and dedication to their storytelling and staying just as consistent as they were with Royal. No singular human pops into existence believing what they believe, feeling what they feel, it's all learned and imprinted upon us by a variety of factors, including the environment we surround ourselves with on a daily basis. Needless to say, I'm profoundly satisfied with the new direction the writers seem to be leading the series in because the vibe I get is that they're going ALL in on the psychology of the human condition which is something I believe Persona absolutely needs the focus on, especially when it comes to exploring the lives of adolescents attempting to create their own way. Looking to the future, boy oh boy am I waiting for Persona 6 with open arms, they're gonna knock it outta the park.

As for the gameplay...? Holy SHIT I was not expecting to fully enjoy a Musou game maybe... ever? Sure, at first glance it appears to be a Persona 5 Dynasty Warriors reskin, in typical Koei Tecmo fashion, but instead what I found was a system just as layered, fun, and yet, simple, as P5's combat hidden under the veil and translated to fit the agenda of a Musou game with near perfect grace. Every little battle left me wanting for more, and although I got tired of it eventually after fruitlessly making a creed to finish /all/ the requests, after I quit that pursuit the flow immediately began to kick back in.

ALso damn I love Zenkichi Akane Kuon and Sophia ty for creating em Atlus

+ (p.s.)