4.5 because i can never rate something higher than ocarina of time

This was a cultural reset for 12 year olds

Ill say it cause no one else will, i think this was better than new horizons

Nothing hit like this did in 2013

Grinded this for the trophy and i only haha-ed for like half an hour before it turned into a staring in the void moment

The camera recording the jumpscares was the coolest fucking thing until you noticed the red light

This was such a dumb era but i “completed” the game with spyro. Thats all i cared about. Could have just bought a damn spyro game

This was a ps plus title wasnt it

People wish this was a flop but it spoke to all of us on an integral level

They should have done more stuff like this for the vita maybe people would still think about it then

Still vividly remember playing this cause it was very short but so entertaining