This was my heart, this was my soul

I dont know what i would have done without manual safepoints im so fucking fr rn

Grinded this for the trophy and i only haha-ed for like half an hour before it turned into a staring in the void moment

This was such a dumb era but i “completed” the game with spyro. Thats all i cared about. Could have just bought a damn spyro game

This is something you play when you have nothing else to play atm

Played it here too yup no ones surprised just checking of every platform like a psycho

Ill say it cause no one else will, i think this was better than new horizons

This was the main source of beef in our household when i was 8

Nothing hit like this did in 2013

Feel like this could have done more with the dlcs cause i mostly just didn't give a fuck

Got this game as a kid and vividly remember being too stupid for this game