Gotten back into it after about a year of not playing it and it's still really fun. Unsure if it's better then TF2, Overwatch, or other hero shooters but it's still among the better ones.

Champions are all interesting and fun to play, and the progression is fast but never too easy. Matchmaking still sucks but not much you can do about that.

Goddamn brilliant. The gorgeous watercolour paintings and the sheer likability of the narrator are what push it through something to something special for me. The story is simple yet filled with depth and nuance, telling a tale of those affected by loss and hardship, as well as exploring what happens to a world ruled by hate and prejudice.

The gameplay is damn solid too, and the short length allows for a ton of replay value. Loved it.

If it wasn't for the lackluster story here, this would be an easy 5/5 - one of the best anime fighters, if not the best, ever released. A glorious ode to old school shounen battle action with beautiful sprite work and an art style that capture Toriyama's signature designs with flair and speed.

It's also a great first time fighter, easy to pick up and play - and coming from somebody who isn't a fighting game person, that says a lot. It's both a ton of fun and addicting, and the level of depth in it's combat makes it worth it.

It's perfectly serviceable - the massive open world and sheer amount of options makes it a ton of fun to just go around and do whatever you want. The bugs are a nuisance of course but I like the variety of gameplay here.

Unfournately the story is awful and it's a chore to get through, and the mission variety is woefully poor. It's clear this was a prototype for later installments more then anything else - it's worth checking out, but that's it.

One of the best open world games on the market. It's nutty, stupid fun from start to finish, perfectly encapsulating the sheer ridiculousness of it's own premise. The lively open world, the tight controls, and the amazing grappling hook all make this a blast.

And while the story is superior to the first (it's still not great but at least it has stakes now), the only thing holding it back is weak aiming controls. Other then that, this is so good it's criminal.

A masterwork - a meditation on death and it's inevitability, trying to find some kind of peace within the knowledge of your own mortality. It's gorgeous artwork only compliments this, with it's heavy reds, purple, and light blues all brought together brilliantly.

A soundtrack for the ages here, complimenting it's hard as nails yet rewarding gameplay. This was a brilliant game, one of the best out there.

Shot up to my Top 3 games of all time faster then you could blink, an astounding, emotionally fulfilling experience about depression, moving on, and the necessity of human interaction. Madeline is one of the most relatable and ultimately human protagonists in any game I've ever seen, and her constant inner turmoil makes me both weep for her but root for her.

The actual platforming is also incredible and ranks as some of the best in modern gaming, with wonderfully designed levels, a simple to learn yet hard to master control scheme, and a difficulty curve that is fair but does test you. It's hard as hell but worth it. One of my favourites.

Really great. A unique experience that probably won't be replicated again, and it's reliance on atmosphere over traditional scares makes it a wonderfully creepy experience. It's a descent into the subconscious mind of a writer whose own fears inform his writing and it's a great psychological deep dive.

It fails to answer all of it's questions though, and despite the fantastic controls and gameplay the game still feels occasionally vague in exactly what it's trying to do. Still, I mostly loved this.

One of the best multiplayer games in a very long time - a blast with friends and still fun even without them. Each of the games, while similar, are varied and have tons of replay value. This game would thrive with updates, which it will surely have.

There are minor quibbles - the servers are a little wonky and while the maps are great, there are not nearly enough of them at this point. But overall, this is a must grab for fans of multiplayer games.

An incredible game - a gripping, funny, witty, nihilistic, and complex character study about a man trying desperately to find his own ethos in a world without one. Is it even possible too? And does one succumb to the system? The game has no easy questions and even less answers.

It's rock solid mechanics, gorgeous watercolor backgrounds, and fantastic supporting cast also help in just making this a blast to play. The amount of variety will keep you coming back even if the main story is short for an RPG like this (this isn't a bad thing though). A masterwork from top to bottom.


Solid survival game, if rough around the edges. Clearly a labour of love from a small team however, and for a small team it's scope is impressive and the level of customization in what you can do allows for a ton of replay value. Multiplayer is really where it's at for this as well - playing with a group is a blast.

There are some small issues though. The game has obvious latency problems, and while more content is coming the main narrative of the game is pretty bare bones. Overall though it's a fun time! Recommend as a great one to play with friends.

Every design choice here matters - not a single oversight in terms of it's gameplay, letting the player have complete freedom from top to bottom. It's ridiculously enthralling, with the game shifting and morphing with your own play style while at the same time allowing for a ton of replay value.

Deus Ex is a game about a lot of things: how censorship grips the media, capitalism's slow eroding of society, and how a corporation can manipulate governments for it's own monetary purposes, but it's also, first and foremost, a rock solid, nigh perfect RPG. It's so good and deserving of pretty much every level of hype that has been put on it.

A massive step down in pretty much every way possible, though certainly ambitious. Visually stunning at points and has good ideas, but doesn't execute them correctly and instead feels gutted of anything potentially interesting in an attempt to dumb everything down.

Story is complete nonsense - attempts to explore terrorism and how it's created, manipulated, and warped, but it undermines it making each faction completely incomprehensible in their motivations. Side stories are actually solid though which almost saves it. A disappointment.

Gets the important things right - it's worldbuilding, characters, and tone are all exceptional, and it makes the otherwise (at least right now) standard anime-esqe story work. There is a likability to the world, and the level of detail that goes into every aspect of it's universe is impressive. It feels alive in every sense and filled with history.

Solid RPG mechanics too. Endgame is messy but when it's this solid in terms of gameplay it's hard to complain. And while the gatcha mechanics won't be for everybody, they aren't required to enjoy the world and story. Addictive stuff - I can't wait for more.

Everything I actually wanted in a Deus Ex follow-up - gameplay is refined to a tee, the options are literally endless here. The game evolves along with you, so you never feel unimmersed here. The boss battles aren't great, but frankly that's not enough to ruin the experience.

An excellent story as well here. It takes a bit to get going, but once it does it's thought-provoking and gripping. The visual design, aesthetic, and general look of the thing is aces too, almost looking like a painting at points. Great game and well worth multiple playthroughs.