A poor lightgun horror game with some brief entertaining bloody moments. At around 45 minutes it overstays its welcome, mostly by dragging every situation or area out longer than it has to. Some very cheap enemy design as well as placement of civilians that if you hit will lose you health. Mostly dull powerups as you already basically have a shotgun and the pickups tend to have you firing the same kind of shot but doing more damage or with some minor effect differences. A later stage has an instant game over state if you miss finding some items or don't use them in the correct order at a door leading to the final boss.

Screenshots: https://twitter.com/Legolas_Katarn/status/1725427764642422834

A fairly short Operation Wolf style rail shooter. For 1990 some good destruction and scrolling effects and the brief story has some funny moments between stages. Your weapon fires full auto without a need to reload and you can launch a rocket that destroys everything on the screen and stops attacks at you but that will also hit civilians and lose you health if they are around. Good music. You probably won't have died that much by the end but it also isn't much of a fair challenge as the number of enemies on the screen combined with the amount of hits things take and the somewhat slow rate of fire your automatic weapon shoots at can make it extremely difficult to avoid damage, even more so during parts where multiple enemies appear at the same time and you would just need to know which shoots first to avoid taking hits.

Screenshots: https://twitter.com/Legolas_Katarn/status/1726072381524091261

Sequel that changes little from the previous rail shooter. A bit more variety in visuals and how you move around certain levels but has the same fairly dull enemy design. It feels like your weapon is a bit more effective and enemies take longer most of the time to start doing damage but that start to get ruined in the last 1/3 due to sheer numbers of enemies and different angles you are attacked from. After the final boss you get 30 seconds to stop self destruct and will almost certainly get an instant game over if you don't already know what is coming or didn't die on purpose to get your bomb weapon back.

Screenshots: https://twitter.com/Legolas_Katarn/status/1728578908503912525

Control characters in real time as they explore derelict ships with a variety of potential threats, including your own systems needing to be adjusted to maintain your view of the situation.

Great and atmospheric concept but mostly poorly executed, and a somewhat similar idea has been done better now with this developer's future games and by the game Duskers. High RNG, lack of options for character control, poor character creation options and system, different enemy types that really just change what equipment you will want to use, poor cloning system, lack of interesting character interactions or environment information, needless amount of babying your characters in a way that seems to give you too much control and not enough. Too short and limited in options.

Can be worth a look as it even now is somewhat unique but there are better options even by its own developers.

A planning focused real time with pause tactical game that has you managing a SWAT team in what can feel like a top down Rainbow Six but with a much better tool to create and alter plans. You will draw out paths for each character, choose facing directions, when and how to use gadgets like flash grenades or tools to breach into rooms and those plans can be easily altered on the fly once the game begins or with you taking more direct control of one person at a time as you handle their movement and facing (though things like shooting will still be done based on that particular characters weapon, abilities, and different statistics. As you play you unlock more equipment and weapon options as well as class options that give your playstyle more variety. Despite the focus on planning and choosing character facing, your units do react well enough to obvious threats by themselves where they won't just ignore being shot or shot at because you didn't orient them another few degrees to the left or right. The only real negative I had back when I played it was an inability to que up commands when dealing with doors and that despite it being a PC game some design choices that gave it more of a look like it was meant for a phone.

There is already a wide variety of developer made maps to make the amount of content well worth a purchase but you can find player made content as well.

DC Dual Force presents a fairly generic multiplayer focused card game with a few varied elements and single player comic episodes with scenes and storylines taken from comics to play through that have some effort to them but are never actually interesting to play.

The way the game works is that you choose two leaders from factions that include Might (characters including ones like Superman/Wonder Woman), Tactics (Batman/Cyborg), Energy (Zatana/Flash), Anarchy (Harley/Doomsday), and Tyranny (Poison Ivy/Black Adam) and are than able to make a 40 card deck with the cards you have that include the factions that your leaders belong to. The board has six spaces to deploy characters with your heroes starting on the the bottom left and right, characters played in front of others block the ones behind them from being attacked (certain abilities aside). You start with a bronze token, then get two, then one becomes silver, both silver, one gold, and last both gold with those tokens being used to play cards that either have a free, bronze, silver, or gold cost associated with them or possibly with their deploy abilities. Each character might have passive and active abilities and their own damage and health stats, you choose who or if they attack each turn hoping to defeat your opponents two leaders to win the game. Each leader starts with their own health value (typically somewhere between 18-24) and might have a passive ability as well as a skill you can activate after they gain enough charges, a charge is gained on each turn other than the first and possibly by certain cards or characters played and these skills might activate varied abilities and/or give your leader a temporary damage stat that allows them to attack like another character.

There are over 300 cards and around 4 leaders per faction and having those two leaders and their abilities is an interesting touch and the factions give you different kinds of tactics to focus a deck around but most everything else is just too generic and not a great use of DC characters. There are so many cards and character abilities that can just kill one, all, or move cards back to your hand and your limited card draws unless you build a deck focused on drawing more cards combined with the natural advantage the first player can have with possibly multiple characters being readied before yours can lead to frequent dull moments or ones where you know you've lost before the game even really started. Some leaders like Aquaman and Batman seem significantly better than others and having those times where you play Superman and Hal Jordan for a turn just to have your opponents turn be the I play my kill everything cards, and you two do that back and forth until someone starts drawing non character cards they don't have a use for at the time and lose because they can't do anything are frequent and boring.

It's pretty easy to unlock cards. I paid $10 just to have access to the other half of locked off comics available to subscribers and did most of the challenges available in about a months time and have access to every card except for some of the rarest and some leaders and have more than enough in game free atom currency that I could use to get access to whatever I wanted if I needed something for a deck type. The artwork on the cards is ok, nothing great like in something like the Lord of the Rings Fantasy Flight card game or some of the alternate art Marvel Snap cards but decent. You can unlock "shiny" versions of cards and while many of those are just kind of a sparkly effect it was nice to see that effect be different for some cards that it seems less appropriate for or added visual effects to certain cards like a Batman card having the smoke in his card become animated. There aren't too many unique in game effects but some cards have their own animations like playing Wonder Woman's lasso will show a lasso grab and move an opponent's card or playing Green Arrow who has an ability to fire arrows at enemy cards when he deploys will show an arrow shooting up from his card and landing on your target.

The comics would be an interesting element and they do add a bit extra to it where each comic might have their own events or choices that can give you different bonuses or access to different cards and leader options but your base decks in these modes is typically bad (and doesn't let you actually view what is in it) and the AI ranges from just being bad to being near suicidal.

At release there seemed to be more problems with the UI but that seems to have been worked out, it's still not all organized well but it seems to function correctly.

While the game continues to get patches and new content, I can't see it lasting that long due to the very limited player count.

Screenshots: https://twitter.com/Legolas_Katarn/status/1730584299781652491

Horizontal shooter where you have a basic straight shot but the main feature is that your other attack fires a missile that can do damage and destroy certain enemy ships but for a select few they will change into an outline of themselves that you can fly into that then transforms you into that ship. The ships you can change into have their own main weapon and an alternate fire that might be a three use powerful attack or that allows you to reorient your weapons. Being destroyed in this form takes you back to your starting ship. It's a fun mechanic, the music is decent, and it has a nice opening scene. Problems come from the majority of ships you change into having a very large hit box, top of being difficult to dodge shot patterns the last two stages start creating obstacles that you can barely get through or can't get through with the ships available to you. If you lose those ships your main ship just isn't fun to play with its weak attacks and slow movement, and while you do get a few lives on each continue that respawn you on the spot this is rarely helpful in the boss or miniboss fights where you are likely to die because your small ship isn't a good match for those bosses, losing all your lives resets the stage on a continue. Stage design isn't very interesting. Some of the ship types shot make a fairly loud and annoying sound that is also playing over the music constantly.

Screenshots: https://twitter.com/Legolas_Katarn/status/1731540388111139149

Some style, almost no substance. Attempts to capture the feel of classic samurai films with a monochromatic style but a short and dull story and combat that starts awkward and bland and gets worse makes it hard to recommend.

Combat lacks a visceral feel as even some of the weakest enemies can just ignore and attack through your hits, all getting worse halfway through the game when you start to fight undead and spirits. Combos and parries don't respond well, and parries don't really time like they do in normal video games while also being much easier to do than in most games that have them. Dull collectible hunting, a lot of useless lore items but you can also miss health and stamina increasing items as well as some combos of which there are already few of. All but the most basic enemies will likely have you just using a light, light, heavy combo to stun them to allow for an instant kill finisher that will also regenerate some of your health, these finishers tend to be the only hits that have weight and good looking contact to them but there aren't that many and you will see the same ones even among different styles of enemies. The larger bosses from the later chapters seem to barely function in this style of game and can even just be beaten through sheer brute force on the normal difficulty.

Going from more free explorations to the fights that lock you to only moving left and right once enemies attack leads to some odd moments as enemies can get in each others way and you find you can't quite hit some targets that haven't fully entered the locked plane of movement when other enemies or the environment is in the way. You have to manually turn around with a button press to fight enemies on both sides of you but you quickly get the ability to block from other direction and attacks that can attack behind you and turn you around, that combined with most enemies being in front of you anyway tends to make being surrounded a fairly pointless feature. When it is always easy to just charge the ones in front with a stunning attack anyway I never found much use for all the backwards spin and attack combos you can do, some even coming near the very end of the game when they no longer matter at all. You unlock three ranged weapons that can get you some easy kills while you have ammo for them but none feel particularly satisfying to use. There are some nice visual moments often involving a way an encounter is framed or the background or by the use of fire and water effects but just as often an odd camera angle or the brightness of a certain area can make it difficult to make out enemy attacks.

Screenshots: https://twitter.com/Legolas_Katarn/status/1733994635239080025

Video: https://youtu.be/1Jla94SsHeg?si=nizpyrRAWYZYiIpe

Improves on the first game in every way with better atmosphere, exploration, stealth, horror elements, and use of STEM. Excellent aesthetic throughout the game with a strong starting antagonist that leads to some of the best visual moments in a horror title I've seen while the evolution of the main character and STEM lead to one of the most badass scenes I've seen in a game. Instead of frequently feeling like a mediocre attempt at being Resident Evil 1/4 as the first Evil Within did the sequel successfully does its own thing to end up as one of the best action horror games I've played.

Does starts to fall off towards the end with a few cliche bad cutscenes moments, new antagonists after the first each start becoming less interesting than the previous. Still has a poor camera at times that can force your vision to places away from what you would want to focus on in a way that can get you hit or killed.

Side scrolling action game that plays and looks like a less interesting Metal Slug. Most obvious feature change from Metal Slug is the lack of vehicles while the unique thing about this game is that each character has a "pet" following them that can release an attack after you hold down shoot or it can be converted to a shield that stays until enough damage is taken and is recharged through melee attacks. Visuals and enemies pay homage to Metal Slug and look good but never reach the better moments in that series.

Very solid beat em up game. Sound and feel of attacks appropriately weighty. Even without a dash ability the characters are able to keep up well with groups of enemies and move or react quickly when surrounded with their attacks both having the needed range and allowing you to quickly alternate between attack in one direction then turning to attack in the other. Most characters have some amusing attacks such as combos that you can turn into uppercuts, the female character having aerial throws and her main attack being a blindly fast slapping combo, one of their health damaging attacks targets enemies in a circle around them and hits them with lightning. Multi shot rocket launcher pick up is fun to use.

Nothing too interesting music or stage design wise but there is some nice little details and some amusing background civilian characters.

The first game in the Elder Scrolls series, not as hard to go back to as some older games like this but is held back by content they likely couldn't get into the game in time and some poor earlier design sensibilities.

There is a large number of classes and the series usual race options give some good variety for character creation. Music is good. Fairly good UI/controls for the time, there are a some more commonly bad for the time and strange control options (shift J for a forward jump) but I have definitely seen worse, being able to add notes to an auto map and ask for directions in a town for people to mark your map is nice, you get a journal that gives you relevant quest data. There are many towns in each region of the continent with a good number staying in a similar or the same location for future games, different parts of the world will have their own music, environments, and architecture. Good flavor text when entering a town, inn, mage guild, or when walking around in some dungeons. Different seasons in the game lead to different text descriptions or effects in the environment. You can toggle the slow pixelation effect on menus/text off if you want to get through menus and conversations faster. Some cool spells like one that allows you to break down many types of walls.

The randomly generated inn quests are often fairly dull, though to be fair to the game, are better than what Skyrim generated all these years before. Health and stat rolls can be very out of your favor where a class like the Barbarian will roll between 1-30 per level and you can get 3-6 stat points to assign at each level up. Never was a fan of random stat gains in all these games that are almost entirely about combat or combat and exploration. Though much of the combat can be made very easy with the use of potions that give elemental resistances, and near the end of the game you pretty much have to make use of these. Named enemies and their followers in quests are rarely a real thing. Many of the main quests will have someone telling you to go somewhere to get the thing that was stolen by some leader or powerful character that you will never see but will often be thanked for dealing with when you get back, I assume they wanted unique bosses at one point but were unable to add them before release.

Screenshots: https://twitter.com/Legolas_Katarn/status/1382592131366211585

Point and click adventure, originally a title aimed more at children it was rewritten to feature more adult content and took on a high budget for the genre as it features frequent animated scenes and high quality voice acting.

Christopher Lloyd stars as Drew Blanc a depressed animator burnt out after a decade working on the Fluffy Fluffy Bun Bun Show who is pulled into a setting full of characters he has created. Drew appears as himself in the cartoon world and immediately meets one of his creations, Flux, a more edgy character he created who is not part of his current show. Drew learns that the land is split into three areas with one being full of the happy cute creatures from his show, one with characters more like Flux, and one with a new evil character who has a device that is turning the other cartoons and the environment into dark or barren versions of themselves. Drew and Flux take the job of finding a way to fix the land so he can find a way back to his world.

Entertaining banter between leads and the characters you meet, often succeeds at being funny. Looks good with a lot of small details in the environments or character movement. Good voice acting from people like Christopher Lloyd, Dan Castellaneta, and Tim Curry. Mostly logical puzzles that aren't as ridiculous or pixel hunting filled as many from the time had.

Screenshots: https://twitter.com/Legolas_Katarn/status/1736601392725549384

Entertaining start with fun campy acting and dialogue that is full of nods to past games and characters from the series' history. The exploration was not done in a point and click style, instead having you explore fairly barren location in first person that can leave the world feeling a bit empty, often talking to people is done by entering certain areas that you don't explore manually. Unfortunately it starts to fall off in the last third as the tone shifts and character moments are mostly left behind for a focus on item hunting and puzzles that are a usual average to mediocre affair.

Worth it more for those that enjoyed the previous games and will like and understand references and character relationships. If you don't have that past with the series it can be an ok time but there are much better options out there for adventure games.

Enjoyable gameplay, varied locations, entertaining characters, well animated, and has a good soundtrack.

There are metroidvania elements, where you will need to obtain certain equipment that can be used to interact with the environment if you want all the collectibles and optional battles, instead of one connected world you travel to six different islands that each have their own themes to them. There is a more brisk pace to the areas with them not overstaying their welcome in your initial run through them.

While the game has the islands as separate locations and you are initially moving from area to area and interacting with new elements of the game fairly quickly, you will need to backtrack to those earlier sections if you want or need to go back to previously inaccessible areas and run through the same enemies that both stop being much of a threat but that also might now be showing up with a higher spawn rate. The limited amount of branching paths and the fairly obvious nature of the hidden areas also means those that like exploring or uncovering secrets won't have much to find in this area. Going back later in the game to collect hearts and dark magic just isn't that interesting. The new gear you find allowing you to get past a block or a jump you couldn't get through before. The NPCs you meet are entertaining but lack much variety in dialogue when you come back. Later on some of the equipment you find can make traveling through those areas very fast but it would have been better if going back was more fun in itself.

Very good action platformer, that would likely have been even better if it was linear in nature and if the time creating those side initially inaccessible areas were used for more content as you go or to touch up existing spaces.