The year is 2007, I am nine years old and have decided to mess with the family computer with the orange box installed. First I started half-life 2 and shat my pants once the head crab appeared, but after I booted up Portal, my journey in pc gaming has begun.

It shouldn’t be underestimated how great the game is at teaching the fps controls. It mostly can be played as slowly as the player would like, making it in my opinion the perfect stress-free playground a nine year old could enjoy.

However, the game itself is not much more than a tech demo for the Valve’s engine, which is not necessarily a bad thing. It’s short, easy to follow, engaging and fun. If I were asked to recommend an fps to somebody who’s never been exposed to them, Portal 1 alongside with The Stanley Parable would be my go-to picks

This is legit one of the games of all time. Engaging, environmental storytelling, the greatest voice actors I’ve ever heard in a game, graphics that after over 10 years look alright and of course extremely satisfying puzzles. Don’t even get me started on the level editor and co-op mode that were the reason for me to have spent 500 hours in the game.

Legit, if you’ve never play it - put aside anything you do and buy and play it, any laptop would run it fine, so you don’t have any reason not to. Also, don’t mind the “2” in the title. The first one is great, but don’t risk not experiencing this masterpiece to perfectionism.

I’ll say this - this game is one of the reasons I’ve put myself together to go to psychiatrist.

The theme of self doubt is something we all experience in some way or another, and this game is great at portraying it at the most engaging way. It’s not often I see the difficulty of a game being one of the core story factors. The player’s struggle is something that connects them greatly to the main character Medaline. In my experience, I felt pain, relief, determination just as Medaline did on the first playthrough. Also the the way the game portrays these feeling in different embodiments is nothing but genius.

The soundtrack is on another level, with each “world” having its own leighmotif and remixes played at the hard versions of levels. If you’re not planning on playing the game, at least listen to the ost by the wonderful composer Lana Raine.

As for the gameplay itself - I haven’t played a better platform game since Super Meat Boy. Controls are responsive and the hitboxes never feel unfair. Though the game might feel a bit too frustrating, and even though in my opinion the game’s difficulty is an integral part of the game, don’t feel ashamed to use the assist mode, the game itself is still worth it.

Overall, I think I can call it the single favourite game of mine. It’s a masterpiece with near infinite replayability since mods and speedrunning are a thing. I applaud the developers for a such unique gift.

I literally love this game so much I’m afraid of finishing it and try to 100% as I go.

It’s fun. But cringe… But fun!

Why do I feel so bad for liking it? It’s easy, mindless, hardly engaging, but damn is it satisfying. The developers invested quite the time to research what makes out monkey brain go nuts, which is surely something worth appreciating.

Was the co-op horde shooter before Payday 2, still is fun to go back to once in a couple of years.

It’s a 3D Mario game for those who don’t have a 3D Mario game. That’s it. The game is fun, but I don’t see anything special about it to justify its existence. On top of that, the optimisation is an absolute trash. I don’t understand how Switch can run both Doom’s relatively well, but not this.

The couch co-op game. This one and Castle Crashers. There’s nothing else to say actually

I don’t know how, but I normally don’t enjoy turned-based rpg’s, anime or live service single player games. But I really enjoy this one. I guess it’s the world(s), the characters, the humour and the level of polish the developers provide.

Also for those coming from Genshin - this one requires 3-5 mins a day for all the dailies, so come try it and don’t be scared :)

It’s a car game. A sports car game. Scratch that, a fucking jet game.

I’m just really thankful that I live in a world where games like this are still being made.

Do you know many co-op roguelikes? I don’t. But this one is a hella great co-op roguelike. Sadly, I can’t say that I enjoy it all that much, but I respect the effort put into development and how alive the game feels with all the ongoing support and mods. FPS roguelikes are just not for me.

POV: you’re an ex Hearthstone junkie and a roguelike enjoyer who has discovered this game.

The gameplay, the adaptive difficulty, the build variety - it’s a really good card roguelike. Though you shouldn’t expect an engaging story or some great artworks. Aside from the gameplay, the game is very average. But is it a bad thing?

If you have a party of 3-4 people - just play it. No questions asked.