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3 days ago

TayBeltane is now playing Luigi's Mansion 3

3 days ago

Skikkiks finished Arctic Eggs
It's a Vibes™ game for sure. It absolutely accomplishes what it wants to do but unfortunately it didn't resonate with me the same way it'll resonate with others. Mostly because of the dialogue, which has the 'written for and by the terminally online' thing going for it that does nothing for me, and considering most of the game is being subjected to psycho physics chicanery (FUCK the Prison area, there's a reason you only need to feed one of its denizens to complete the game) in order to read more dialogue, I found it to be a largely grating but ultimately adequate experience. Shoutouts to the funny difficulties in the pause menu, feeding the final amigo on the hard difficulty is still more palatable than Normal Prison bug bullet bullshit.

5 days ago

5 days ago

TayBeltane finished Tails of Iron

This review contains spoilers

Yay! This was a fun one, I'm really looking forward to the sequel. This game is unbelievably charming, from the art style to the narration, I caught myself smiling like an idiot on more than one occasion. You can tell a lot of love went into this game. I love how the creator integrated his own pets into it, making it feel so personal in the best way. The story was great, as heartbreaking as it was, it was well rounded and felt complete, though I will never forgive them for killing off my funky mole friend (RIP). I have only 2 complaints about this game, fist being the hitbox, while certain dodges and attacks worked sometimes, it didn't work ALL of the time, it almost felt like in decided not to work, and once you get hit once, more often then not you're fucked for the entire rest of the fight, so that was extremely frustrating. My other complaint is some of the bosses were really bullshitty and just un-enjoyable to fight, main one I can think of is The Iron Rat (I think?) towards the end of the game, it was just unenjoyable and wasn't as satisfying as some of the other bosses. It was kind of up in the air if you were gonna get an annoying fight or a great fight. Though the combat is unforgivable at times, it made up by the fact that it's incredibly generous with it's save-points and supplies.
I'm so excited to see what the sequel will bring to the table!

7 days ago

7 days ago

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