37 reviews liked by LilLizzy



first ever cod i played.. why’d they let a 3 1/2 year old try to play this and later on mod it at the age of 7? the zombies gave me nightmares i cried once playing it i remember.

For those familiar with David Cage, this is not his worst game.
Like Heavy Rain it may fool you into thinking this will be a great interactive movie, sadly unlike Heavy Rain which constantly builds up upon itself this one falls flat fairly soon save from specific routes involving Connor, the reason for that being mainly the actor behind the character who twisted the game into a better written one.

Rockstar cemented itself by making games where you are allowed to follow your more wild instincts and pursue criminal careers, Red Dead Redemption however asks a simple question, when all of that is done can the protagonist change for the better? And if he tries, will a far more brutal and wild society than the one we live in allow it?
Regardless of that though, Red Dead still leaves you the choice to lapse back into it or play it straight through its gameplay.

I hated playing this game, but I think that's what it wanted me to feel so I can let that slide (I don't do well with horror games). I thought some of the puzzles were neat, but overall the gameplay was pretty bland, mostly walking to new areas. The Justine DLC was an interesting concept too, but I did not want to try going through it again because I messed up towards the end and would have to restart. The game is worth a play for sure, but I wouldn't say it's ground breaking.

After a solid 100 hour campaign, and another 100 playing with friends, I can confirm that this game can take it's rightful place among the greatest games of all time.

Good game, finally, a good game

I have been playing this game since it was first released and it is still, to this very day, a great RTS game. Yes, this is "just" Age of Empires 2 with mythological creatures added, but who could not like this? The only thing that didn't age well are the graphics. The game is kinda ugly. Especially compared to the beauty that Age of Empires Definitive Edition is. But everything else still works great. Well, minus the pathfinding sometimes. The Enhanced Edition comes with the main campaign, the meaty Titans Campaign and the smaller Vikings campaign. All of those are great and I like the mission design more than in the Age of Empires 2 campaigns. The presentation is less dry and the missions are more creative - kinda similar to Warcraft 3. So if you are looking for a great RTS with some meaty single-player content look no further.

This game is so fun and makes me want to kill myself