This is the pinnacle of the homage game. While I would say that Thousand-Year Door is a more polished, and overall better than this game, Bug Fables is no slouch.

Holy shit, what a downgrade from Pirate's Curse.

I will defend that there is a solid Metroid game underneath a devastatingly, mind-numbing story.

Really charming PS1 dungeon crawler. by far the best time I've had with tank controls.

I would say something about this game if I could remember a single thing that happen.

Ultimately I dislike this kind of game for what seems to be the whole point of it. However I truly believe that Grim Fandango was worth playing despite that. I think it's the most promising point and click game out there.

I fucking hate this game. I'd sooner tear my eyes out than replay it, but at least its a better game then Mega Man X5.

Worth it just for the Visual Novel sections.

All I can say is don't buster only this game; I would have a better opinion of it if not for that.

Could not finish the game without cheats, wow its hard.

It took me fifty hours before it finally clicked for me. It went from masochistic torture to primo twin sticking.

Strangely better than all the other Gunvolt games.

I understand why people don't like Extra, since most know what they're getting into, but I urge you to at least try doing the optional routes in it. Its the best part before Alternative.