A loathsome experience, I don't know why I 100% it.

I understand why people don't like Extra, since most know what they're getting into, but I urge you to at least try doing the optional routes in it. Its the best part before Alternative.

This game perfectly represents the feeling of being stuck in a dead-end job you despise, and knowing you have to wake up tomorrow and do it all over again.

I wish this game didn't kill the JRPG genre for me. Why does this game have to be Seventy hours long.

Strangely better than all the other Gunvolt games.


The idea ends up being annoying more than anything. Short and unmemorable.

I wish this game had more time to cook. It seems obvious that it wasn't just going to be mostly empty fields and roaming packs of wolves.

All I can say is don't buster only this game; I would have a better opinion of it if not for that.

I fucking hate this game. I'd sooner tear my eyes out than replay it, but at least its a better game then Mega Man X5.

Worth it just for the Visual Novel sections.

This is another generic Inti Creates game that's a thinly veiled copy of a much better NES game. I still think its worth it if you just need more Castlevania in your life.

Could not finish the game without cheats, wow its hard.

It took me fifty hours before it finally clicked for me. It went from masochistic torture to primo twin sticking.

Really charming PS1 dungeon crawler. by far the best time I've had with tank controls.