Huge Boku no Natsuyasumi Fan Excited to Play It for First Time

i really enjoyed to see etherane draw the relationships between the individual self and the collective one (which is already portrayed in some of their other works) with a violet religion-tinted quill for this game from the lens of two different characters subjected by their society's expectations. it doesnt matter from where do you come from, we do not care about your previous hardships: each day you still have one role to fulfill for us. and since there is no escape because everyone longs to be accepted by others, how many sacrifices are you willing to do to achieve humanity? can you say that you are inert in front of an equal?

i cant, thats why i gave up to peer pressure and decided to play this game and even write a little review for the second game that was suggested for backloggds game club #1. thanks to whoever suggested this game (it also allowed me to enjoy other etherane works) and thanks to everyone who decided to participate on this.

tomorrow won't come for those without anyone

Negro el beso que te quiero dar colorada hermosa calientapija, chuparte todo el orto mientras te cacheteo las nalgas hasta que queden moradas como ciruelas para posteriormente hacerte rebotar las bolas en la pera tan fuerte que todo el pueblo se levante pensando que hay misa


a love letter filled with anthrax

not even charles darwins wet dreams could even get close to something as masterfully designed as this

ALGUIEN PUEDE AYUDAR A UN LOKO ENAMORADOOOO???? Estoy perdido x una chica tan hermosaaaaa....pero no me animo a acercarme a ella, no se si esta comprometida o que... la vi varias veces en el Backloggd. Alguien me puede ayudar a ubicarla???? ALGUIEN X FAVOOORR!!!! NO DEJO DE PENSAR EN ELLA HACE DOS SEMANAS...

Gameplay: 70/100
Graphics: 90/100
Sound: 8/10
Playability: 50/100

Final verdict: 78/100. Simplified physics and a few missing parts slow but can't stop this entertaining new Need for Speed excursion.

yes mom i am waiting on a corner to smack monsters with my torch in the verge of a heart attack while all my belongings are laying around me yes i am doing fine thank you

This review was written before the game released

okay peeps you were right about this one

this game feels like hiring a master chef, but they have their budget limited to cook for less than 10 dollars: while the individual ingredients may not be the best by themselves, the craft and expertise used to prepare the final dish still give you a good ass meal.

i can't also help but think about actraiser, a game that has some reviews on this site praising its ability to mix genres with excellent results. while i do agree with these, sakura wars also acts as a good contender for that field, merging its srpg and dating sim bits without any issues, managing to provide an engaging experience that doesn't overstay its welcome. also, actraiser doesn't have sumire kanzaki.

this might not be the best game around but reading this bigass forehead little girl say that i must be the happiest man in the world because i can greet her every morning makes me realize that she is right