Another entry from Grasshopper Manufacture (Lollipop Chainsaw, Shadows of the Damned, Let it Die) that I really enjoyed. Killer7 deals with the titular group of assassins as they go about completing assignments given to them throughout the story. These assignments ramp up in importance all while maintaining a mystery as to why these killings are needed. Of course, it's all revealed at the end and it's not all clearly explained (at least for my monkey brain).

I really like how they experimented with the controls as there is no free movement besides aiming. Your characters only move when you hold down the "A" button and you choose your destinations when you come to a crossroads. It's really just on-rails shooting and movement, but feels flashier due to the game's fantastic art-style. This game is stylish AF and there's really not another game out there that has the same vibes. There's even really well animated anime cut-scenes every now and then that feel right out of a late 90's to early 00's show.

Gameplay is a familiar, yet different feel. You'll aim in first-person and each killer has a different weapon usable. It's mostly all guns besides a shuriken or throwing knife mixing in. Enemies will usually have weak-spots to aim for to put them down faster, but you can always blast your way outta situations using the shotties.

Overall, this game is a trip and absolutely insane. I love it.

I really like this game. I do not recommend this game to most.

This is akin to a PS2/3 game that released in 2023. Almost every gameplay element in this game is outdated, the story is nonsensical, the voice over is so bad it's good, and there's performance issues.

With all that being said, I finished this game in two sittings. I couldn't stop playing it. It's a cluster-fuck of a game, but there's something underneath the doody and poor design choices that I really enjoy. I only recommend this to those that can look past a number of issues in a game AND only buy it on a sale. I got my copy for $20 and I couldn't be happier.

I never played this when it came out, as FFVIII was my childhood Final Fantasy, but after finishing 9, I really wish I had played this back then as well.

I think the characters are easily the strongest element of this entry of the neverending series. Zidane and the crew are very memorable and the fantastic writing brings these unique personalities to the forefront.

The battle system is the classic ATB-style, so there's not much to write home about. The ability system is pretty cut-and-dry, but works well. It's nothing as fun or broken as the Materia system from 7 or the Junction system from 8, but it does what it needs to.

The story is really well-written as well and gets REALLY good around disk 3 & 4. I don't wanna talk about the story here, but yeah, I just finished it and I cried per usual. It really hits home with its themes of belonging, friendship, purpose, and meaning. So damn good.

If you enjoy the Final Fantasy series and never played this one like me, please play this. I promise it'll be in your top entries.

A very cute puzzle-platformer that was short, sweet, and didn't overstay its welcome. I thought the difficulty was just right, with only being stumped once or twice. I took a break and came back to the puzzles I was struggling with and got them solved within minutes.

I recommend this one as a palette cleanser between longer games if it's on sale.

A mission-based third-person shooter where you play as five different school girls (each with their own unique buffs) in an attempt to rid their high school of a zombie invasion. It's absolutely not a good game, but I did have fun with it and finished it. I probably don't recommend this game to anyone besides those looking for an average TPS where your clothes fall off the more you take damage or throwing your clothes off on purpose to distract zombies away from you. Anyways, it's fine.

A very cute & quick Halloween season game. Pumpkin Jack is a 3D Platformer and executes all of the usual requirements for that genre pretty well. I don't think this game is amazing or unique, but it knows what it is, does what it needs to well, and doesn't outstay its welcome. I also got a lot of Banjo-Kazooie/Banjo-Tooie and Earthworm Jim vibes while playing, which is pretty chill 😎

Anyways, I recommend this one on sale (Usually around $10 down from $30) if you're wanting to get in the Halloween spirit with some three-dimensional platforming

This is a pretty janky port of the Wii game. This version would drop to single-digit frames during combat and driving around the hub world. It also kinda looks like shit compared to the Wii? Performance issues aside, this game is a blast. The humor got a few solid nose exhales and was never grating, the story is 100% nonsensical, but the game knows that and pokes fun at that fact.

The real highlights are the boss fights and character designs. The designs and looks of the bosses are phenomenal IMO, they're memorable and seem like there should be more lore and story behind them, but there's not. Combat-wise is where this game could have the most improvement. There's combos and wrestling moves to pull off, but the controls are never really touched on and it boils down to a basic button-mashing fest. This port does add some new shit like boss battles from No More Heroes 2, but they fall apart in this game's combat system and are a total joke.

Overall, a great starting point to build off of and I'll be playing the rest of the series, but I dunno if I can recommend this to anyone with the performance issues on PS3 and the game just looking generally worse than its Wii counterpart.

A game I had as a kid and never finished. It's a pretty basic collectible card game that is VERY repetitive.

Game-play consists of collecting new cards by navigating the handful of dungeons in the game and battling the boss of each. There are semi-random battles that happen in the dungeon, but the issue is, these battles never really change. Same monsters, same-ish cards, same-ish environments from start to finish.

I wouldn't recommend this game unless you're a huge monster rancher fan or have some sort of nostalgia. I had fun with it after turning off all animations, set text speed to fastest, and getting speed boots as the game is uncomfortably slow in every way.

CotL is a great rogue-like/town management game, although a little light on the management side.

Aesthetically, this is on another level. The occult elements are hella fun to play with especially when you name your lil cultists.

I had two cultists named after our cats (Mr. Kitty and Katsu) and Mr. Kitty always requested me to fuck with Katsu which was hilarious. From making her eat shit to locking her up in prison, the in-game Mr. Kitty seemed like he wanted to acquire revenge for all the time IRL Mr. Kitty was bullied by Katsu 🤣

Anyways, that really added a ton to the management side to me. Besides the personal names, setting up your cult and completing tasks was fun, through it did start to wear out its welcome at the end of the game, personally, whenever everything was unlocked.

As for the rogue-like side, it's pretty solid! I played on hard and it was the perfect difficulty as someone who plays this genre a bit. My main complaint was late-game weapon unlocks were powerful, but slow. This is an issue as late-game enemies are powerful AND fast, so that felt a little misaligned.

Regardless, this game is a HARD recommend for me. Something this unique needs to be played and seen more. I hope this game receives a sequel as there's still untapped potential for the future.

A very well put-together card based rogue-like. Set in a dark twisted King Arthur and the Round Table timeline, you're tasked with adventuring through the Wyrdwood to find answers to the corruption. You do this by selecting one of the nine classes and making your way through combat encounters akin to Slay the Spire.

However, I enjoyed the more realistic and grotesque art-style Tainted Grail has compared to Slay the Spire. I also think the narrator does an amazing job in this game and all of the story beats and encounters are very well written.

If you're familiar with and enjoy Slay the Spire, this is an easy recommendation. The systems and elements Tainted Grail makes unique are all improvements to me. The classes feel good, archetypes vary and most can power through on high difficulties. Definitely one of the better rogue-like like card games I've enjoyed.

Halo 3 is the best in the series. Even better when you understand the story after 16 years. Recommend.

Immediately after finishing the previous title, I start on Halo 2. This one I knew I had never played before, as I never owned it as a kid. I was pretty excited to get into this entry as I've heard nothing but positive feedback for it and now I can finally understand where the Arbiter comes from since I've played Halo 3 multiple times (more on that eventually).

Halo 2 is a vast improvement over the first Halo with minor exceptions. There's more guns, cutscenes and gameplay went another step-up in graphic fidelity, and the story is extremely more intriguing and well-written. What really took me back was how phenomenal the cutscenes looked! I had no clue that Halo 2 also received a remaster, basically. The cutscenes were remade from scratch and you can easily tell, being comparable to modern-day releases and their pre-rendered cutscenes. However, you're still able to switch between original graphics and remastered graphics for the gameplay and cutscenes and, once again, I still preferred some areas with the older graphics. This is usually due to how dark the new areas can be, but some instances, I feel the new graphics fumbled the atmosphere the original was going for.

Unsurprisingly, I also recommend anyone interested to play through this as well. It's easy to get into, nice to look at, and you can finish it relatively fast. I also played this on solo heroic and found some parts infuriating, but others extremely easy (as the Arbiter cloak for a few seconds and just straight-up skip sections). I'm ecstatic to finish Halo 3 now that I have all the previous knowledge on the story I was missing when I played through as a kid.

After 15+ years, I always believed I had finished Halo: CE on PC back in the day. After replaying it, I don't think that was ever true. My main vivid memory of playing Halo on PC were the custom multiplayer mods and maps. Playing Slayer on Hyrule Field with all of the weapons from Ocarina of Time will probably be engrained into my brain.

Regardless, my memory was at fault in regard to finishing Halo CE's campaign and after finishing it a few days ago, it's way better than I remembered. To start, the graphical upgrade thanks to the anniversary edition makes this game feel like a recent release. I also loved being able to freely toggle the anniversary graphics and the original Xbox graphics. I have a soft spot for the old graphics and, in some areas, I prefer them, but the leap in graphic fidelity is astounding.

Gameplay-wise, this classic still holds up well. Gunplay is still exciting and fluid, the pacing of the campaign is solid and never dull, and the story is pretty good sci-fi. The plot points don't tread new ground, but it sets the foundation for the later games quite well as there are multiple opportunities to expand on multiple plot points. I played the game solo on Heroic and found that difficulty perfect. I was dying a decent amount, but nothing seemed unsurmountable.

I definitely recommend putting the time into finishing the first Halo as I really enjoyed my play-though. It was really fun re-familiarizing myself with the game as well as making sure I was paying attention to the story so I could understand where it is going to go for the sequels.

Koudelka is an obscure title, but one that I’ve been looking to get my hands on as it’s one of the only horror-JRPGs out there and a pretty solid one at that. Taking heavy inspiration from the first Resident Evil that released three years prior, Koudelka has you scouring an abandoned monastery in the year 1898 and you’ll come across key items needed for puzzles while battling monsters, beast, and the macabre via random encounters.

The gameplay is turn-based and not too complicated. You’ll have a max of three party members that you meet very early on (Koudelka the Psychic, Edward the Adventurer, and James the Bishop) and they are suited for either magic or melee actions. The arena is grid-based, but doesn’t require much tactical thinking as the only thing you need to worry about is monsters passing your downed characters because if they do, they’re unavailable to be revived. There are some unspoken elemental strengths and weaknesses which can only be discovered through trial and error. Overall, the combat really isn’t anything special, but it gets the job done.

Game-play outside of combat consists of wandering around the old monastery searching for clues as to why there are beasts and ghosts roaming the premises. You’ll come across lost letters, forgotten bodies, and other people with their own stories to tell. I did find the map to not provide enough information when backtracking was necessary (and it is often) so I found myself visiting GameFAQs for the classic text-based walkthrough of old. I found myself enjoying reading the community-posted walkthrough of this game, missing the times were it was necessary for kid me to print out the entire walkthrough whenever I found myself lost to progression. However, whenever I entered a room with a cutscene, I dropped everything to pay attention. I found the voice acting to be way more entertaining than I thought, as dialogue is given as if it were a radio drama which gives completely different vibes than modern-day performances. I think the voice acting style suits the game, but there are some moments where the VA is generally poor, but you can’t help but laugh in those moments.

Graphically, I was impressed. With the pre-rendered backgrounds and the fixed camera angles, it seems like the developers behind Koudelka saw what made Resident Evil special to the eyes and improved on those elements. Just about every new scene is a treat and I was finding myself wanting to take screenshots of certain areas, but unable to do so since I played this on original hardware.
I really enjoyed my time with this game and I’m glad the spiritual successor series, Shadow Hearts, exists as well. I believe this game is somewhat forgotten which is a shame since I found it to have tremendous charm to it. The characters are likeable and their bickering between each other is a joy to watch, the environments are beautiful, and the story is pretty decent. I just yearn for more horror-RPGs and this one is probably one of the grandparents of the oft-forgotten genre blend. Here’s hoping that Penny Blood, the spiritual successor to the spiritual successor to this game turns out to be a solid companion to this game and Shadow Hearts.

This was recommended to my by a Steam friend and I have nothing but good things to say about it. I adore the lo-fi aspect of the game with the screenlines and adjustment waves that happen randomly as if it were being played on a CRT. The entirety of my time spent with the game was on a TV which amplified the lo-fi graphics even more. I'm most impressed with the strength scaling of the game as every playthrough I received, what I thought to be, an overpowered weapon that just tore through rooms for awhile until it didn't. Then I would find another weapon upgrade and rinse and repeat. I never felt like I had a stinker of a run and I like to think that has to do with the balancing and overall choices being fun to make and always feeling good.

My only complaint is that whenever I started to play this, I had no idea it is an Early Access title, so right when I was getting multiple wins, I was faced with two locked doors thanking me for playing and that this was the end of the current early access version 😭 Can't wait for the next update in September!