It's as cozy as your favorite warm blanket.

One of my childhood favorites. I never owned it, but I borrowed it from my friend pretty often. Thankfully for it's short length, abundance of lives, and general easiness I was able to beat it no problem during the brief windows I could play it. I think this is one of the first games I ever beat; the idea that there was an endpoint to games was totally alien to me before SML2.

Replaying it on the NSO was a treat, especially now that Nintendo finally acknowledged that the GBC color pallets are a thing, so I could play it how I remembered it as a kid. I recommend anyone with NSO gives the game a try, wonderful little game.

Also the Star Maze music is so good I can't believe it's only been used in this game and Paper Mario Sticker Star, it needs to be used more.

This game tapped into childhood memories of playing "Zelda" on the playground with other kids and constructing our own scenarios and my old dream of wanting to make my own games to share with everyone.

I initially thought it was going to be an A Short Hike clone (not in a negative way) but the game has its own identity with its framing of a childhood game and the mini Breath of the Wild gameplay. The story is both funny and touching, and I absolutely loved it.

Highly recommend if you want a chill little game to last you about 4-6 hours.

I mostly remember this game for my brother and mother both liking it, especially my mother, she really did not play many games but this was one that she really liked; it was nice being able to share a video game with her.

She wanted to try it again after all this years so we took turns playing it and while the game has aged quite a bit, and the controls are kind of strange compared to modern console FPS, it was a fun trip down memory lane.

I could complain about the goofy perk system, the removal of skills, the voiced and limited player dialogue, the stinky factions and more, but honestly, none of that really matters. Fallout 4 was really fun to play, I enjoyed almost every minute of it, and that's what counts. It wasn't the sequel I wanted but it's just more Fallout and I love Fallout so what's there to complain about. I sunk 50 hours into it in two weeks and still could play more.

I had to put the game down in 2016 because the original console release game me horrible motion sickness, but I'm really glad I went back to it. Already want to play again with a new build and a new faction.

The true successor to the Hamtaro adventure game legacy and the only game that lets hang out with all the bugs.

Over 20 years after beating Oracle of Ages I have finally beat Oracle of Seasons.

Oracle of Ages is and will always be a very special game to me but I can not help but admit that Seasons feels a lot funner to play. The Season mechanic, plus a number of the items, are more interesting to play with than their counterparts in Ages. It just feels like there was a bit more care and attention put into Seasons.

Of course, both still are amazing especially when put together. Finally getting to experience the the true ending after being teased decades ago in Ages felt so fulfilling, even if the extra bosses are pretty easy with how powered up you are at the end of a linked game.

Highly recommend playing both on NSO or wherever else you can play them.

Really neat game, excellent music even if so freaking hard. Easy to unlock freeplay in Arcade mode, but this version does not give you any continues for story mode. Story's still really cool and depressing, complemented really well by Ikaruga. Having 7 weapons at all times with widely different properties helps combat the hell the game puts you through.

Definitely recommended, at least to play arcade mode.

Finally beat it after all these years lol. I really like the game, it's a fun beat 'em up with branching paths and puzzles, but it's all pretty simple. I feel like the extreme difficulty was trying to mask that it is a very short game with little substance, but the difficult just highlights how basic the combat is. But I still like it, the music and graphics are great, I love the Genesis twang here, so even if the gameplay is half baked I still have a good time whenever I play it.

I'd recommend playing with save states though, having only three lives and being sent back to the beginning is brutal, especially in a game with so much forced damage and limited healing.

Music and sound by Yamaoka is great, the otherworld design is pretty neat too without relying on the series trademark blood and rust. Monster is pretty cool, done by Masahiro Ito.

Some goofy writing which is both a pro and a con.

It's short and free so there wouldn't be much to complain about regardless, but I think it's decent little game. It's honestly just nice to be playing a new game titled Silent Hill in 2024.

Great compilation of classic Mario Party goodness only held back by a lack of content. What is there is great, it just could have really used more boards. But besides that it's a fun time and a great translation of the N64 games to the Switch.

Awesome collection, Digital Eclipse does great work on these retro compilations. I never got to play any of these back in the 90's so it's fun to try them out, especially with the added options to this collection like God Mode. $40 is a little steep but for the effort put into the collection I think it is worth it.


I love this game. I love the ocean, I love sea creatures, being able to just peacefully explore these beautiful areas and watch the sea life was great. So many wonderful moments in this game, from the fear of diving into the murky depths to meet the basking shark to swimming alongside colossal blue whales. The story is told wordlessly, and while simple was still a peaceful and emotional journey. The music is also perfect, I love the OST for this game, especially the track for the final segment.

This game is entirely worth the $20 it goes for, but it goes on sale for really cheap too. If you love peaceful games where you can just take in the experience at your own pace, or love the ocean, I highly recommend ABZU.

Environments are cool, the theming is on point, but the gimmicks weighed the DLC down some. However, the boss fights were some of the best in the series, the final boss of the DLC might be the funnest in the series.