I never thought we would get another peach game after the release of Super Princess peach in 2005 yet Nintendo surprised everyone. As a major peach fan without being biased this game is great yet has quite notable issues such as the performance and loading times being awful during level transitions. Furthermore, the game is creative and really unique in each level having its own theme and varying gameplay. My personal favorite was Swordfighter peach because the gameplay felt so smooth and fun. In addition, there is quite abit of replayability in going back to 100% levels and doing post-story content. I think this game has really good potential to build upon if they ever make a sequel, compared to other nintendo games it doesn't have the most in-depth gameplay or polish. In my opinion, if you want a fun laidback game to enjoy and don't mind the performance issues I would give it a try. There's a free demo on the eshop too! I personally hope the game sells well enough to warrant a sequel where they expand on the cast & ideas introduced in Showtime :D

I excitedly waited for this ever since it was announced. Finished it the same weekend it came out, gameplay has vastly improved since Mario bros U with an emphasis on quality > quantity in terms of creativity, level design, power-ups, etc. I highly recommend playing it if you haven't already.

Cuphead is soooo freaking retro. The game revolves around a mix of platforming sections and bullet hell bossfights against old cartoon inspired enemies. The music is an absoulte gem & it's really addicting once you get the hang of it to snag those S ranks. It offers couch co-op too if you wanna suffer through with a friend too. I highly recommend it~

3 Houses is easily my favorite game of all time. Without going into spoilers, you play as Byleth who is a former mercenary with amnesia who ends up as a professor at the grand Garreg Mach Monastery. This was my first fire emblem game and I was surprised at how easy it was to get into the gameplay loop. You have 2 major aspects to the gameplay being battles consisting of turn based combat moving your units across the map & the other 50% being monastery work in which you bond with your students & train Byleth. Each route has their own story and cast of characters with the game encourging you to play the other routes after your first run. The gameplay is easy enough to get into but for those who are already familar with Fire Emblem and looking for challenge I recommend trying Maddening Mode.
~P.S Hilda is best girl, fear the dear!

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I went into this game really excited after seeing it announced during Nintendo's direct. However, after finishing one playthrough I was rather disappointed. They heavily advertised the story and Byleth being a massive part of it. Once I started the game however, Byleth only showed up 3 times at most. The new characters & designs are neat but the ending is very underwhelming. The war is stuck in a stalemate and regardless of route the ending is the same with the only major difference being whether you recruit Byleth or not.

Superstars has some of the best minigames and boards to offer. Unfortunately it only has 4 boards but that doesn't stop every session from Mario party in being a unique and one of a kind experience. Give it a whirl if you can~

In terms of gameplay compared to the first Watchdogs, this game is easily such a massive improvement in the controls, movement, combat, and hacking. Anything and everything is hackable in this game which really makes you feel like a hacker. On the other hand, the story is way more light-hearted compared to Watchdogs 1 with the player following a group of hipster hacksivists. The dialogue did make me cringe at times but the story was enjoyable if somewhat forgettable. If you played the first Watchdogs, I recommend giving this one a shot or wait for a sale.

Fun and simple rythmn game based off saving Cute demon girls. At the end you get to learn how to make pancakes :D

P.S Lucifer is best girl

Minecraft really is impossible in my opinion to review. The enjoyment from Minecraft comes from how you choose to spend it whether it be building, playing with friends, grinding achievements, etc. It's a timeless classic that's easy to pick up if you're bored or just want a laidback game to play with friends.

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I believe Deltarune is the start of an incredible masterpiece yet to release. It has the potential and building blocks of being an amazing story. It contains a newly revamped battle system that makes battle quicker and more innovative while keeping the addicting & brilliant ost. The story this time around is different in which your choices as the player are irrelevant and you are simply an observer to Kris who is control of the story this time. I highly recommend giving it a try if you haven't already, the first 2 chapters can be finished in only a couple hours. Plus it's free :D