I can stop whenever I feel like it


This game has probably the single coolest puzzle I've ever seen in a video game. Just when you think you know everything, there's still more secrets to find. Incredible.

Really great fangame, clearly a lot of dedicated people worked on this and I'm glad it finally came out.

Music and spriting are both phenomenal, dialogue and story are mostly good but there's some points that I think were a miss. A lot of the story/character stuff is also heavily loaded into the second half of the game, I think they could've expanded on the ruins section with Dalv and that would have helped a lot. Some of the enemy bullet patterns have difficulty that's all over the place too, I think some of the bosses were really good but some of them definitely needed some improvements. Overall a good time if you're a fan of Undertale.

The soundtrack probably gave this game an extra half star on it's own it's so good

Just a genuinely good half life level.

Damn good remake of a game that desperately needed one. The original Risk of Rain felt really stiff to control, and this game fixes that and then some. Loads of new content too, lots of new items, characters and such. Easily the best way to play the original Risk of Rain, and worth checking out if you were a fan of 2 and are curious where the series started.

This game is like those shitty backrooms horror games on steam if it didn't take itself seriously in the slightest, and it's all the better for it. If you can get a group of friends together, you're in for a good time.

Anyone who says this game is grindy is either lying or really bad

This DLC is lower than the others for Rebirth because Delirium is unironically one of the most dogshit bosses ever put in a video game and Greedier mode took a really fun mode and made it awful to play.

Doesn't have Morgan Freeman. And it's not good.

Played this one on the DS as a kid. It's just a bunch of crappy ninja themed minigames. Pretty much shovelware

An obscure tower defense game from my childhood that I have to keep telling myself is actually real and not a memory implanted in my brain by the government. Fun game though

Fun hack, pretty much just more of pikmin 2 with some harder enemies. The custom cave areas and overworld are really cool too, wish there were more of them. Orange pikmin are in like four caves in the whole game lol. Also fuck that one armored canon beetle larva in Flooded Fields he's an asshole.

Played this game well over a decade ago. Very fond memories of letting animals loose to attack people. Good times.