Wacky ass 3D platformer I love it. This game has some of the most creative levels in any platformer I've played, it's just insane. I only dock off half a point because The Point of No Return exists. Yeah you can glitch out of it but it's still reaaaally stupid that it exists lol

Played this game well over a decade ago. Very fond memories of letting animals loose to attack people. Good times.

Anyone who says this game is grindy is either lying or really bad

Sadistic fucking game. Someday I'll actually sit down and beat it fully.

The best classic-style 2D platformer hands down. Easily still worth going back to and playing today.

Doesn't have Morgan Freeman. And it's not good.

The soundtrack probably gave this game an extra half star on it's own it's so good

Awesome game that I am way too stupid to finish

The best pizza-based platformer on the market.

Unironically the best pokemon game

This game is awesome. Pikmin 2 haters are DUMB and STUPID

Fun multiplayer, that's kinda it.

This game doesn't have a bad level. It's fun, creative, and charming all the way through. Can't recommend enough if you like 3D platformers.