It's just fun man. Dumb, stupid, explosive fun.

A fun, mindless survival roguelike. Honestly I enjoy it more than Vampire Survivors.

I like the game a lot but not as much as a lot of other people do.


I actually think Hades is a bit overrated. Good game, love the voice acting and art, but honestly the gameplay doesn't hit for me the way some other games in the genre do.

I love this game despite all it's faults.

More functional online system than the actual series it's based on.

A good game I just can't get super into it.

I just can't be bothered with this type of game really

idk how to rate it but it's good at what it does.

I have no clue why I have almost 18 hours in this game it's not really that great from what I remember

I remember this game being a good time with friends, not much else.

I remember the Hoth level being awesome and pretty much nothing else.

Played this one on the DS as a kid. It's just a bunch of crappy ninja themed minigames. Pretty much shovelware