Another Kanto remake. What it needs to do it does well.

The best of the Sinnoh games. Fixes issues with the pokedex, and makes for more interesting encounters.

The best of the Gen 3 games. Combines all aspects and improves the story.

What started as a fun collecting mobile game devolved into a cash grab.

Another Kanto remake with Pokemon Go functionality.

Dexxit was unfortunate, but the leap into the 3D space was a neat idea.

One of the most moving JRPGs I have had the pleasure of playing. The two main characters and their relationship is extremely fleshed out, and the gameplay allows for a lot of customization. Beautiful soundtrack.

Extremely fun game. Kratos and his son's journey is one of the most incredible in video game history. Each boss fight is superb and you don't get tired of playing.

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Groundbreaking story about a father and his daughter. Excellent gameplay, almost feels like you are controlling a movie.

A unique new game. Interesting Fauna and riveting gameplay to kill them. Only issue is the characters fall flat at times.

Incredibly fun game. Bit repetitive in fight sections. However the swinging never gets old, the score is SPIDERMAN. This game makes you feel like Spiderman.

A thrilling story devoted to the characters and how far one is willing to go for revenge. The interactions between the new characters are incredible and makes this surpass the original. Additionally, the gameplay is even better.

As is the issue with most JRPG's this game is extremely long. However the entire cast is phenomenal, the map design is great, gameplay is fun.

Gunplay was dated, but still enjoyable characters.