Interesting open world. Neat new pokemon designs. Bugs and story (or lack thereof) hiccups hold it back.

Also an over reliance on sandwiches.

Taking the gameplay improvements from P5 Reload and interweaving them with the unique cast of P3R is a joy. The characters are great to watch/interact with.

Fantastic soundtrack and graphics.

Only complaint is Tartarus can be a slog, and it is exceptionally difficult to max all the confidants on the first try.

Beautiful Art Style, Interesting Premise, Touching moments, great soundtrack. A very enjoyable visual novel.

Shotrt but interesting gameplay. Reminds me of Metroidvanias. Not a lot of depth here, but it is a short and sweet experience. Neat abilities and level designs.

Challenging Puzzler with an interesting story about flawed characters. Very difficult, lots of replayability with different modes, and engaging story.

Engaging visual novel. Starts with a very strong premise and characters. Does not carry that momentum to the end where it has a large amount of exposition.

Nice QOL is that it lets you view all the endings even without "unlocking" them.

Also exceptional soundtrack and pretty good art.

Entertaining story with multiple endings. Characters were interesting, but felt a bit lacking. Unique mechanics with the radios.

I made probably every wrong decision on my first playthrough so I wasn't satisfied with the ending. Might come back for NG+ and see if that changes my opinion.

Good game with interesting story. Get in and get out. Very quick.

Was a little let down by the "twists" but I enjoyed it.

This game starts off with an interesting premise, but falls off towards the end. The twists are predictable and a bit too similar to other stories.

Controls are clunky, and map design is a chore to get around.

A fantastic SOL story mixed with action set pieces. Every character is great, and I desperately hope there is a sequel.

A fantastic immersive experience that accounts for your choices and allows for much replayability.

Fun Gameplay, Challenging difficulty at the beginning of the game. Can be made easy with the right build.

Was a fun card game with a generous economy for awhile. Unfortunately they dropped support.

Unforgiving economy, I prefer the paper game.

Fun platformer with a deeper meaning.