Zombies was improved upon from black ops 2, however the other aspects of the game decreased in quality.

Zombies was interesting, but every other component of this game fell flat for me. I regret spending money on it.

One of the most compelling narratives in video game history. Hot off the heels of Borderlands 2, it provides a welcome tale. Only held back by very poorly aged graphics.

Personally i think it is the best of the FPS battle royale games. Unique classes and fun gameplay.

The first game I got for my 360. Campaign was a masterclass, multiplayer was fantastic, and forge mode provided endless hours of replayability.

Amazing video game, spawned a generation of content and gamers.

One of the best FPS games of all time. Impeccable characters like Handsome Jack and Krieg. Gameplay was good, could get a bit repetitive if you played on harder difficulties.

Improves the gameplay from the original. However comes at the expense of the story.

Excellent Game. Multiplayer drew me into FPS, Zombies was a well defined story of its own with easter eggs and unique weapons. Campaign was solid too.

A welcome addition to the Star Wars Games library. Excellent cast. Map design is cumbersome. Difficult gameplay, which is a good thing.

One of (if not) the most disappointing campaigns in the series. Which is unfortunate as the multiplayer aspect may be the best. However that combined with the change in art style left a bad taste in my mouth.

A beautiful souls game. Difficult but rewarding. Unique enemies, environments, soundtracks to discover.

Fast paced FPS, fun gunplay, excellent dual-wielding mechanics. Enjoyable story. Doesn't do anything new, but doesn't do anything bad either.

Quirky fun game with multiple endings.

Lacks some of the magic of the first game with a smaller map and cumbersome onland excursions. Still a great experience and the QOL changes are excellent.