PlayStation 2 (PS2) English Translations

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind
World Soccer Winning Eleven 10
Official English translation taken from "Street Fighter Anniversary Collection" and inserted into this stand alone Japan only version.
Story mode should be fully translated, as is all text. Images that contain text are not translated.
Project seems abandoned
Only the voices and battle UI are in English.
Japanese Voices "ONLY" in the "Last Mission" Mode.
Includes Rockman: The Power Battle and Rockman 2: The Power Fighters

This game contained English, Spanish and Portuguese translations inside but no way to select them. The patch enables these official translations.
The Spanish and Portuguese languages ones only work for Rockman 2. the first game shows up in English for those patches.
This patch is not 100%, character dialogues are not translated. But all the necessary to play the game is.
All routes except for the Sakuya route have been translated.
Being worked on
This is a menus patch. Arcade mode and Story mode aren't translated. Story mode is mostly audio.
Side story missions are translated, so that's better than nothing.
What's translated:
- Quests
- Village Quests Descriptions
- Equipment
- Items/Parts
- Skill Names
This is a partial translation. It translates 46 out of the 75 scenarios, it's possible to complete the game with a character who follows the Law path.
Unfinished, Abandoned
The patch translates some of the menus, team names, formation screens, option and pause menus, stadium names and misc text.
Partial Translation, abandoned.
Small menu patch, translates some menus and nothing else.
Unfinished, Abandoned


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