I didn't play as much as GOW 2, but I actually think it is a great game as well

One of my favorites of all time. I'd even go further and say it's my favorite ps2 game.

I think I beat the main campaign 30 times or so

Great game, but in my case I had a better time playing co-op with friends than playing the game content itself

This one is the best "2D style" Dragon Ball Z game of Ps2.
I forgot how many hours I've spent playing it with my friends in my childhood... Golden times that won't come back...

Great to beat the campaign with a friend, but it kinda sucks if you play by yourself


Red Dead Redemption: Chad Version

I think this is the game I've played the most in my life(?)

NFS Carbon >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Underground.

I love this game so much I can't even explain why

Sure, it does have many problems. But I honestly had a really good time playing, so Imma go easy on it

Wanna have some inner peace? Well, play this game