I was always told that Animal Crossing is a game that you can't really COMPLETE. It's about setting your own goals. And that's true. I put a lot of care into my island and my house because of my own goals.

Everybody always gives this so much praise and say that it's one of, if not, THE greatest game ever made.

Um, I'm gonna be real with you here, I didn't really find it THAT exceptional.

Seriously, the navigation in this game is TERRIBLE. I outright had to bookmark a walkthrough just to assist myself in my playthrough. And the thing is, this isn't my first Zelda game; Spirit Tracks is! And I never had any navigation problems there!

I definitely recommend it still, but this wouldn't be a Zelda game I would immediately go back to.

It takes a really special kind of good to have me get the same game THREE TIMES!


The one time they did the stars system right.

Also, for all of those who think Bowser Party is unbalanced, change the CPU difficulty settings. You know, Team Mario on hard, Bowser on easy, etc. etc. You each have a brain, gamers. USE IT!!!

Why do I like this game more than I should?

If you look closely at a specific level, you can arrange the checklist to say "7 hearts" and a "key".

Well, Paper Mario: Sticker Star sure is a thing.
I first played this in 2021, and since then, I have struggled to understand why everybody had to be so strong against it.
As a Nintendo fan, I understood that they, while being a billion-dollar company, are still a group of people who like to do their thing.
I suppose I wasn't as insulted as many of you thought, coming from a person who played the original Paper Mario three months prior.
I've been trying to figure out why I like the modern games a lot more than most people, and I guess it's just because of how late I am as a fan.
I was approaching my middle teen years when I first played Color Splash, my very first Paper Mario game, which is probably around the age many of the fans first played Sticker Star, and as a result, I don't have a strong preference for either side.
Back then, it was essentially a foundation of what was to come. I could tell from playing it that this is what Nintendo wanted to do. They wanted to tell an adventure with so much diversity and emotion. And should they release a game that is capable of that but not quite as strongly, so be it.
But it didn't quite resonate as well with everybody because I guess they fail to realise how niche Nintendo may be if they want to.
Nine years and two games later, and I still do not get why everybody is so visceral with this game.
I get the problems they have, but I don't get why they need to be so front-and-centre about it.
Why is the fact that characters need to be visually distinct from each other when personality is just as important?
Why is having super powerful items so much of a problem when you could just use them whenever needed?
Why is the navigation so much of a problem for so many people while I blitzed through it without looking up a guide on my first playthrough? Zelda: Ocarina of Time couldn't even do that. Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
How does the most hated Nintendo game have better navigation than the most loved? Am I just smarter than the majority of these players?
At the end of the day though, who knows why people don't see Nintendo as a group of people who like to make video games?
Who cares why I gave this game four stars?
Who sees that all the complaints towards this game have been completely milked dry?
Who understands me anymore?
I have completely lost interest in negative modern Paper Mario reviews, and unless you've embraced the darkness, s o h a v e y o u .

Absolute legend of a game, let me tell you!

Wheatley could fight Monokuma and win.

Thank you DreamWorks, for getting me back into Zelda!

Now THIS is what people should look over when talking about Mario Party! I don't see why people need to talk about how to move around on the boards! We have our own preferences, let's just talk about the minigames like how Shrek handles party games!

This is easily the most niche game Nintendo's made yet. You have to be a very specific kind of person to enjoy the battle system. Since I LOVE Rubik's cubes, this has got to be my most favourite system in the series yet. 10/10 system. Everything else about it on the other hand, it's pretty good, but not amazing like Color Splash or TTYD. Solid 7/10 material. So, yeah. It's pretty good and definitely does not warrant people hating those who like these games.

But who am I kidding? What level of expectations should I have for understanding my point of view from a fanbase more toxic than Pokemon, Undertale and Smash Bros combined?

Gonna be honest, I'm not even gonna bother getting my point across in this review. EVERYTHING I need to say about it has been made in my GG file, which you can find here: https://ggapp.io/LucasStickman/reviews/paper-mario-color-splash/YcyHO_E_

It's a 1400-word read but if you want the TLDR, here it is: This prideful chucklef### of a fanbase is really, really, REALLY stupid! Just because they value the GameCube and Wii era of games, they decide to disregard any care and passion Nintendo put into this game like the backstory of the Dark Bloo Inn and the real-life barbecue Intelligent Systems had to model an asset for a boss battle and completely yoink any excuse to dislike this game clean out of their butts.

"Hammer Scraps that increase your mana capacity? Quality of Life features like a sort button you can use at any time and an advanced mode that merges card-sorting and painting as one? Unique, creative, charming worlds? Character personalities that are incredibly distinct from one another? The notion that the paper art style contributes to worldbuilding? The very idea that initial mindsets may influence the overall thought of a game? WHO CARES ABOUT THAT!? Let's just judge the entire journey of Paper Mario: Color Splash by literally its cover and show the entire positive-review modern Paper Mario community that we have the gall to rank only the Paper Mario games without mingling it with other Mario RPGs like Mario & Luigi or Mario + Rabbids. These opinions CERTAINLY haven't been explained in detail to death by now!"

Seriously, this astronomically hostile community makes Cars 2 reviews look like Splatoon 2 reviews. They legit do NOT care about the passion put into this game at all and only seek to find Paper Mario related interviews to treat the interviewee like the scourge of life, to the point where it permanently holds the title of "Most Underrated Game of All Time". It got so bad and I got so sick and tired of hearing it, it led me to swear on the internet without censoring myself for the first time. There's absolutely no point for me to even keep trying to convince people to understand my perspective and I should just isolate myself whenever I'm gonna talk about Paper Mario. I hope the most insufferable of these toxic fans fall victim to their own lack of logic and eat a two-week-old unrefridgerated pie.