You know when you play a game and can tell that they had so much passion and fun while making it? This is that type of game.

dungeons kinda suck but like, this game is so charming it feels like playing a kid adventure book.

fuck the modern day stuff holy shit its garbage. Everything else is pretty good tho so it was fun to play.

the story mode is doo doo water but i had a fun time since this was one of the first fighting games to put many hours in.

the most cinematic multiplayer game, its fucking awesome

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that nuke scene caught me off guard and I was legit terrified.

Holy shit that plot twist was insane.

Best game of all time, hands down.

got soft locked and I do not wish to continue the game. This game is bad man, compared to re2 remake, the level design is so bare bones, the "main" threat Nemesis only chases you in the first 30 minutes of the game, and THATS it. The new dodge mechanic is janky and half baked. Idk it's just bad, go play the original, not this.

I don't know what to say about this game. In recent times i have been getting into games that I couldn't finish or didn't put time into and how I got that spirit back was from tlou 1, it showed me what games are at peak level and made me understand how characters are written and build a special relationship with the characters and helped me with my depression. So I was excited for tlou 2 and tbh. It's an amazing flawed game, it has more flaws than the first one but god damn some moments in this game are so depressing but beautiful. The problems really shows but still, it's not bad but kinda weak compared to the other parts. I love this game, even tho flawed. I think it is an amazing experience. As I said I don't know how to describe my thoughts since there is so many.
Update: I can't really give a rating to this game because i am mixed about what rating to give.
Update 2: last update, this the official rating I'm giving this game for now.
But one thing I want to say before ending my review.

Thank you Naughty Dog.

story is pretty good, and has a nice cast of characters, the gameplay and the puzzles are nothing to really write home and they are okay at best. The voice acting is was kinda weak at first and i was worried but it got better later on. The atmosphere and graphics are stunning and impressive for a small team and you can tell they put love into the game. Now this maybe me but i saw some parts that were coming up and i felt they were kind of predictable. But overall, 7 out of 10, its pretty good.

It's fine. The characters and the story with good writing and dialogue with really good graphics and pretty visuals mixed in with some nice little details saved this game because the bad parts stick out like a sore thumb. The gameplay is really janky and clunky. The final boss sucks, the shooting is bad, and the platforming is fine but the puzzles make me wanna die. It's a mess, but as a starting point for the Uncharted franchise, it's okay. Honestly, you can skip this one, watch a summary video of it and play Uncharted 2.

fuck man, this game hit me in the feels. Almost everything is perfect, gameplay is good and very intense. The characters are amazing. Joel is one of my favourite protagonist including Ellie. The art style and graphics are beautiful. Music is amazing. This game is actually a masterpiece.