Some mini game high score requirements were a little annoying and collecting world intel got kinda repetitive after awhile but besides that the game is a 1000000/10

I'm not very good at writing reviews so I wont say much but if your a jrpg fan this game is peak and you need to play it if you havent alredy

SMRPG is very cozy playing this game was very relaxing the character designs are cute and the music is nice the gameplay though is pretty meh imo most battles feel very samey and a lot of the time the game is ridiculously easy and the final dungeon dragged a bit with a lot of unnecessary boss fights but it is cool to see where the mario rpg series began and what games like mario and luigi and paper mario took from this game and improved on I had fun re visiting this game after 6 years and I'm happy it got a remake!

This game suprised me I heard very good things about it back when it came out last year and I always meant to try it and I'm so glad I finally did this game looks and sounds beautiful the characters are lovable and there are plenty of funny moments the game play is really satisfying especially the parrys omg and even has a fun suprise gameplay wise at the end my biggest complaint is the lack of a lock on I found it very hard to focus on one enemy or switch targets easily and the camera didn't exactly help either but that didn't stop me from loving this this game I'm so glad I finally played it if you're into action games or rhythm games this game is absolutely a must buy
Also Korsica is a cutie

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DISCLAIMER: I'm still new to writing reviews so I apologize for the lack of proper punctuation and also if the review feels unfocused at time thank you

For perspective I first played this game back in 2017 I wanted to try it out because I always heard people online talking about how it was one of the greatest games ever made so I eventually got the game and I never finished it furthest I got was Chapter 5 the game just didn't hold my attention I thought it was kinda boring and overhyped fast forward to today I decided I wanted to give the game another go now that I'm more mature and have a larger attention span.

First off I want to get all the negatives out of the way first and most obvious the backtracking it wasn't terrible but I felt a lot of the time I was going back and forth for very small things such as when you're trying to go to twilight Town but the pipe rejects you so you need to find the guy that knows how to get in but it's not even hard to find him or anything and you just talk to him and you can go in it felt very unnecessary and ofc you can't talk about backtracking without talking about Chapters 4 and 7 I didn't mind 4 all to much especially cuz they added a pipe in the creepy steeple that takes you back to twilight Town so you don't have to make the trip back and forth the final time and chapters 7 with the having to visit every location again just to find general white felt very unnecessary considering all you do is talk to a charcter they give you a hint on where he might have gone then repeat 5 more times it just felt like the developers were trying to drag the game out I don't even want to imagine how long it takes without the newly added warp pipes in the remake my final big complaint is the peach interludes they're not bad I like getting to see what happens with her and bowser while mario is on his adventure i just didn't like playing them they were very boring to me bowser ones were fun tho.

Now we can finally move on to the things I like first off the music is awesome and the art style of the remake looks amazing next and probably my favorite part the world and characters I loved all the diverse and interesting locations such as glitzville keyhallkey and twilight Town the moon ofc too and the characters were also really fun to interact with and charming especially the npcs I don't think the story is amazing or anything but I enjoy it well enough I thought the whole peach fusing with the demon at the end was really cool. Now I'll talk about the gameplay at first I honestly found it to be really boring but once I started getting new partners and abilities I started really enjoying it and I also loved that you basically got a personalized baby yoshi that you get to name he was my favorite party member.

I honestly don't have to much else to say except I'm glad i finally finished this game and I had a lot of fun I don't think it's the 10/10 masterpiece a lot of people say it is I still think it's a super solid game and I hope nintendo makes more mario rpgs like this in the future with the success of this remake and the SMRPG one.

I think that's about it if you read all this thank you I'm still new to writing reviews so I apologize for lack of punctuation and grammar all that I promise I'll figure it out eventually if you have any suggestions on things I should have talked about or a way to make my reviews better make sure to comment them I think that's all so thanks for reading :3

I've finally beat the the legend of zelda for the first time as a part of the zelda marathon started by @NOWITSREYNTIME17 and it was interesting to see where the zelda series originated and the foundation they set and the ideas they used for future games.

I guess I'll start with the negatives first. I didn't enjoy navating the world even with a map mainly because there were way too many enimies that felt like they were just there to get in the players way I would maybe understand the abundance off enimies if there was like exp or something but a lot of the time they just were annoying and in the way also in the dungeons lots of the rooms had lots of very annoying and or difficult enimies which made them feel unfair. Speaking of the dungeons I think the worst part of them was the lack of any interesting puzzle solving the most we really got was bomb this wall or defeat all emimes then push this block and the bosses weren't very good either they were very annoying to fight or just not interesting at all and it didn't help like half of them are repeats but I guess I'll give it a pass because it's the first game in the entire series. My last big complaint was how cryptic everything was just on where to get good gear or where to go next maybe I just don't get it because I'm gen z and I understand it encourages exploration and experimentation but it just felt a little too cryptic ya know.

Now positives I honestly can't really think of much except that I can acknowledge that this game was revolutionary and how influential it was I think that's really cool and I like the whole adventure aspect of this game.

I think that's all I've got to say I'm sure I'll have more to say about some of the later games mainly oot and tp but besides that even though I didn't enjoy this game that much I'm still glad i played it and got to see where the zelda series originated and I'm excited to play the whole series in this marathon to see how the series evolves.