Amazing ending to a trilogy, Phenomenal campaign love every minute of it.

Finished Cult of the Lamb highly recommend this game, one of the best artstyle in any video game, great freaking mechanics of base buidling sorry i meant CULT building, good resealable combat not too deep not too simple, the whole premise is also GOAT, My GOTY of 2022 10/10. can't recommend it enough, saved gaming for me was about to retire this game change my mind.


Great game, very good survival horror gameplay with a bit action heavy as u get stronger, distinct clean visuals like 1st mirrors edge, great story with many twist and turns and good side quest that actually matter and have affect on the main story and ending, phenomenal level design, the only main issue that i have is that the enemy design is very basic, one of the very underrated game and one the best ARKAN game out there 9/10, ARKANE never missess.

Finish stranglehold really good game, a game from it's own time era tho, boss fight are mid basically just bullet sponges lmao, and story is B-tier action film but damn the gameplay and action is fun as fuck the environment usage is really something else (gameplay is not as snappy or responsive as max payne tho) say 7/10. highly recomment it

what a phenomenal game this is, great graphics holds up the pretty great, awesome story with great twists and an amazing writing job, writer did phenomenal job imo shit is so funny and good, and gameplay this freaking gameplay is just so far ahead of its time that no one able to capture this again not even Ubisoft, like playing as every car in the open world hop out hop ỉn seamlessly this is just beyond everything, an amazing all-time great game ever, shame Ubisoft won’t allow u to buy this, it’s a game to be remembered not forgotten. 10/10 highly recommend it no matter what play this must play one of the Best games to come out from Ubisoft. what an amazing ride it was.

Made me cry like a bitch, replayed it 100 times, there are no words to express my love for this game and this franchise. infinity/10

made me cry like a bitch with that ending man, A plague tale requime ended amazing/phrnomenal story, Great graphics, good gameplay, great levels, fucking phenomenal sound track, fucking amazing game a game to be remembered this is my goty sorry cult of the lamb but this shit is amazing asobo outdid themselves as you know this is a 10/10 hell its fucking 100/10
This game is the reason why I Play video games, I cannot emphasise enough on how great this story is.

The game that started it all, the reason I love linear action-adventure stories, and I am a gamer.

Storytelling time, I was little I wanted to play this game so bad I love the whole concept of time, but I didn't have a powerful PC but when I get the PC around 2005-6 and Played and finished, the whole POP sands trilogy, I fell in love with linear action-adventure games.

and after finishing my replay of SOT holy fucking shit what a phenomenal game this is, I am happy to say the younger me was a man of culture.
game aged gracefully, the story holds up, the whole journey of Prince and farah is peak fiction.

Gameplay is superb the platforming is amazing, the combat is basic but its strategic, e.g that each enemy has diff Immunities and weaknesses
Gray enemies are immune to wall attacks but can be 1 hit kill by jump attack and dagger absorb
Red enemies are immune to jump attacks and dagger absorb and wall attacks but can be killed by jump attacks
Blue enemies are weak to everything but 1 wall attacks can stun them.
like there is good amount of strategy in a basic combat system and there are blocks, parry and special time powers

I fucking love this trilogy back then and I fucking love it now.

Excellent visual design, phenomenal writing with laugh-out-loud moments, and Amazing FUN gameplay, Man I could not get over how fun it is to play this game, like from start to finish it is a treat to play it and I had a huge ass smile on my face, best game of 2023 and my personal goty.