“Some games you love, are not worth revisiting.”
Sleeping dog is one of those games that I use to love when I 1st played it a decade or so ago, the whole concept of being in a open world that is not freaking USA, and whole undercover cop story was just my jam, but revisiting it now kinda regretting it cuz it didn’t aged as gracefully, from broken cop system, initial boring slug of 1st act with that missions design, to city being not as alive as something like GTA, the game open world is it’s biggest fault, but having said that some stuff do hold up, graphically to this day it’s still pretty damn good looking, combat is serviceable not as satisfying as Arkham games but it is serviceable, but John woo car style combat, shooting with bullet time even tho very easy but satisfying af and really fun, and story do pick up with some great acting after the 1st act and that last act is totally bonkers.
Overall I’d say old me would’ve rated it 9/10 but atm it’s 7 at best.

Played 50% of Ghostrunner, Its at its best during all the fast paced levels with good balance of action and platforming, and curated driving section, and at it's absolute worst the hub world, the slow paced driving section with probably the worst driveable roads then death stranding and cyberspace levels with weird annoying paltforming

Yea i still vaguelly remember playing this for the 1st time when I was like 14-15, had a blast and the bullet time is the most magnificent thing my younger version seen at that time oh and yea that Mona Sax scene, you know which scene I am talking about yea that one had lots of fun with that particular scene :3.
Story was awesomely written levels were amazing and it became my all time fav at that point.

Man this game has to be the most memorable game of all time, just cuz it gave me blue screen of death on my pantiume 4 PC (yea i am that old lmao)and I have to figure someshit out to run it, took me hours but holy shit it was worth it, never before I finished a game in one sitting but

This gameplay, the levels and the max fabulous monologues just grabbed me by balls, and didn't let me move, i remember i forgot to eat drink and by the end of my playthrough was dizzy and didn't knew where i was when i finished it, cuz man to run this game after figuring shit out i was so happy i just didn't wanna stop playing lol.
playing this game in those younger years "it was perfect down to last bit"

Finished my replay of Wolfenstein 2, Got damn this game at points just orgasmic af, The story is really good with humanizing and grounding B.J. Blazkowicz and the story had some of the most horrific scene but at the same time it is funny as hell enjoyed it alot, The gameplay is great tho with one of the badass gory kills out there, Visually it is amazing looking when it 1st came out and i had to admit them water effects are kind of the reason i played it back in 2017 lmao, the levels are the weakest point of the game tho just hallways shooting gallery but overall serviceable level design the gameplay kept it fun, SOLID 8/10.

Just Finished Judgement great game highly recommend it, enjoyed the 2nd half of the game more, the story picks up and go to great places, combat is fun as freak and for a yakuza fan this is a must-play. Solid 8/10.

Not aged well at all, from horrendous combat, to long expositions to weird kijima story telling. Sneaking around is fun for awhile tho.

I just Finished Jusant, Holy fuck didn't expect it to be this good of an experience, The most chill, Cozy, and Comfy game of 2023 Love it from start to finish, The atmosphere, the art style/visuals, and the cozy music nature of this game are So soothing, The gameplay is amazing, not challenging but engaging and satisfying from start to finish, it introduced new elements in each chapter to keep it fresh and satisfying, the only nitpick I have is that the emotional beats at the end did not do it for me tbh, and there is Unreal engine curse i.e stutter here and there.
I highly recommend this game, solid 8/10.

1st of All I want to thank Sam lake with all my heart for bringing this game to existence only for the fans like me who played original and waited years and I honestly lost hope, This mad men just being stubborn keep pushing and give hope, So thank you SAM thank you for everything

So if you folks are fan of drama Mystery Detective shows like True detective s01 or Twin peaks, Horror meta weird artsy fartsy shows or in general fans of cinema/Peak fiction, no need to read the rest of the review u should play this game right effing now.

Ok Lets do this Fuck me this game is something else, the whole experience is just mindblowing, I am one of those few fans of OG AW back in the days and seeing AW2 existance alone is kinda gave me tears as I loved the og to death, but this game is on another level not even when compare to OG but when u compared to any game in this Horror survival genre or any other, Horror survival genre just got New king, this is Peak Fiction imo and I would go so far to say yes Cinema, the story is so meta and it so convoluted and yet at the same time it all make sense at all time, u a writer writing a story then exp that story and a detective who is also part of the story written by the same writer, How fucking cool is this concept and I legit believe no one other then remedy would even tackle this sort of narrative, no other gaming dev would make unique games like remedy and that’s why I love REMEDY to death and AW is just a love letter to all the fans of Twin peak, trued detective S01 and Noir films.
And I have to say I had the most unreal and surreal experience in AW2, I am genuinely speachless And I wholeheartedly believe that nobody other the remedy can make a game like this, this sequence is gonna blow everyone away and hands down one of the best aspect of the game.
not gonna spoil anything related to the story cuz every part of it needed to be experience 1st hand, ngl when I say I kinda didn’t expected this type of ending but regardless of my expectations this is a masterclass of a game and should be played.

Level Design is imo one of the best In gaming, it has few small open world/spaces, and levels with in levels(trust me you’ll get this when u play this game), and Alan level design is more unique, environment changed on your commands, and how it plays big role in solving environmental Puzzle to progress.

Music oh man this game have goatest music and one of the best moment in gaming is related to music in this game, I love the ambience and sound design of this game.

Now the visuals are best out there just watch a trailer you’ll know how graphically rich this game is, but apart from great fidelity it also have one of the best Art design, atmospheric affect and how it build its being in the woods feeling is still unmatched, and Alan wake Newyork looks phenomenal, this game have the best atmosphere man.

Combat is great(more in line with re4 remake) although it don’t have as much action and all for good.

Puzzle and case solving is another aspect of this game I freaking love to death, the puzzle here actually make me think and made me feel good, they are mostly option but holy shit it is amazing when u solved them orgasmic shit right there.

And again I wanna thank SAM lake and I would suck ur dick dry ngl for making this dream come true and I would happily give my left nut for 3rd entery
And This is 10/10.

i am 1 of those 5 people who Played Og Alan wake back in the day and since then been waiting for sequel and almost lost hope but my prayers have been answered and gonna review 2nd one so I think it is time to give OG and remaster a review,
"Gotta say i freaking love this game, amazing story, amazing level design, great gameplay, good graphics remaster did a good job and for 30 bucks it's a must buy, games costing 70$ these days are not even close to this IMO, SOLID 10/10 "A CLASSIC HORROR action MASTERPIECE"

played it on release date, logging it a bit late,
Amazing visuals, Phenomenal Traversal, Combat and Stealth is really good, side activities are ok, but what matter the most is that it nailed the story Holy shit this story is to me One of the best Sm story told in any entertainment media, I love Pete personal journey how it intertwines with it's SM life, and that ending is IMO hands down the most heartbreaking shit ever

Finished Spider-Man 2, this is perfect sequel and how sequel should've been in many ways but it fumble in its story.
Visually this is amazing looking, the detailing of newyork and the speed of traversal is next level, The game need little bit updating tho it do have some bugs here and there and not the spidey kind.
Gameplay enhancement are great the traversal been improved alot, the combat is also great it do take little bit to get use to and parry seems useless in normal fights but in 1v1 boss fights its amazing.(still rpefer the MM combat tho).
The mission structure, the setpeieces and the bombastic nature of this game is next level love it so much, there are some jawdropping stuff that i can't talk about woithout spoiling, the side content also been improved alot.
Now The story oof thats kinda of a let down tbh especially 1st few acts, don't get me wrong this is still very good story but it is not as great as 1st Sm story which imo best SM story in any media (I love it to death) the last act when venom comes to picture saved this story for me, but it needed that close to heart stuff like the og had, but holy shit these BOSS fights got ur heart pumping the best Boss fights in a super hero game
overall very happy with this sequel 9/10.

Finished my 1st replay of the GOW Ragnorak, i expected gow3 1st time playing that why i was hard on it but damn this is fine ass game, visuals, gameplay level design everything is phenomenal and this story is much more awesome in its own way, the journey of kratos from being killing machine to fatherhood of gow 2018 and to overprotective father to trusting his son to do the right thing is something else, still could've paced a little better but it is a master peice in its own right . 10/10

"Hope You Like Thrill rides"
finished RE4 remake-separate ways (remake) is a phenomenal remake of the og DLC considering it was very mid, devs cleverly put the cut content from the remake in the dlc, with new and great boss encounters, the levels, gameplay, visuals are as good as the remake, and the story gets a huge uplift compare to og separate ways, not only it deepen the ADA character but also enhances leon story as well, i can't believe this is 10$, i think this might be my fav DLC of all time, blood and wine have to take the defeat.

Finished PAYDAY 3, man what a short game the levels are varied but so little, it's more of payday but had more fun with PD2, wish there were more bank hiest with different locals and espcape routes but most of the escapes are just wait for the chopper, gameplay is fun stealth is also enhanced alot, the fun is when you tryna stealth you accidentally fail and go guns blazing thats payday with friends but sadly the missions here while can be fun at times theya re moslty boring, need alot of updates and stuff like PD2 to become somwaht as good as PD2. so far it is 6/10 game