“This is a great cinematic experience but a bad video game”
What I mean by cinematic Experience is that this is hands down one of the most movie like and cinematic stuff in video game platform(which is also its fault more on that later).
The CINEMATOGRAPHY, DIRECTION, the PHOTOREALISTIC visuals, top of the line MOTION CAPTURE, SOUND DESIGN, minimalistic OST that just goes with vibes and the way NARRATIVE is presented is PHENOMENAL to say the least, and the ACTING on screen certainly one of the best, it can easily be translated to a film or a high budget mini-series, the way COMBAT ENCOUNTER and big SET PIECE moments played out are just CINEMATIC as hell.
But on the other side of things the basic LEVEL DESIGN, BAISC PUZZLES(not repetitive like 1st game thankfully), the COMBAT don’t have any kind depth at all encounters played out same get boring quickly, GAMEPLAY is just pushing the stick forward, STORY is not as personal to sauna as 1st game but its serviceable which all comes together by the end so it kinda deliver in that part, the only good thing is its phenomenal looking visuals which comes at high cost u need a monster of a pc to play it at reasonably good FPS.
As a cinematic experience its one of a kind and solid 8/10
But as a game its like barely a 5/10.
I recommend u watch 4k60fps version on Youtube, for folks expecting Ninja Theory to reinvent the action genre yea this ain’t it, its baffling that NT took 7 year with this game and they just manage to make it just 5-6hr long and in this state, they should’ve better take that time to make a small 6 episode tv show imo.

Given FF7 reb another try, thanx to my frnds save file I played Newgame plus mode skipped all the filler side shit, and open world shit, and there’s no level gatting this time around just focused on main path and story had a good and at the same time frustratingly bad experience especially fuck boring ass puzzle design and bad chapter 13.

The story is slow but characters goofy and cute moments carried it for me, the ending wise namura strikes again with Kingdom heart convoluted shit lol, overall it just feels like a filler episode where nothing important happened apart from some good moments here and there, wish the base game didn’t have any OW bs, and just linear more story heavy but it is what it is old review is right below no need to retread old grounds. same score as before don't recommend the game

It truly pains me to write this but this is my exp my opinions and criticism which in my eyes is pretty fair.

The game is fabulous when it's like remake focusing on combat, story (cutscene and goofy character interactions), linear levels and town areas (like remake stuff), and boss fights, and other stuff, also have to mention there are good improvements over remakes when it comes to remake and linear level design and I do love queens blood card game.

At the same time game is abysmal when its forces(cuz of level gatting) you to do OW bottom-of-the-barrel stuff(we talkin about towers, digging shit, scanning shit, combat challenges and other stuff) OW stuff could've been digestible if the traversal was fine but this shit sucks ass, God forbid if u move away from the main pathways( which btw u more often then not move away cuz the main pathways are not clear) u keep on getting stuck on rocks and overall animation system is very annoying, the jankines make the whole OW exp 10x worse.

and what is surprising is that I don't see no reviewer mention these below-average movements and OW stuff, while these are the same folks that tear a new asshole to SpiderMan or other OW games for having ok OW which is optional btw and the movement of SM so fun that those OW stuff become fun.

In short i loved every second is not spent in OW and dread every second that is in the OW.

It truly hurts me to drop this game as FF7remake is my top 10 games of all time but sadly this ow which lack of better word, is “Pathetic”, and I am happy that many folks are enjoying this game but also sad that I can’t be one of them.

if I have to score my 10 hours I have to give it a 6/10 as it do have great parts and story moments in those 10 hours, but it also was making me depress cuz to get to great moment I have to swim through shit.

Finished Tekken 8 Story mode, Man what a joyful walk down memory lane, Tekken 3 was 1 of the 1st 3 games i started playing back in the days on my Pantium 3 PC, the countless hours of playing as jin kazama, and Pual was Peak Entertainment, and also lots of nostalgia with tekken tag 2 playing against my Best friend.
As a huge fan of Jin kazuma back in the day Tekken 8 was a must for me, it has the gold GAMEPLAY that tekken is known for, the STORY is WACK af, the visuals are one of the best in fighting games looks phenomenal and what an amazing PC PORT with phenomenal performance.
and Special Mention to the OST these SONGS and the OST that playing during key moments can bring HYPE and make u feel things that u could'nt u can feel during a Fighting game campaing.
Solid 9/10 very fun game, and a great trip down memory lane.

"i was high on COCAIN while orgasming nonstop"
The gameplay, the 90's anime art style is goatest of GOAT.
The rush of dopamine u get in few mints is more then enough to justify its price point.
"Got freaking damn it these cutscenes ooozes so much charm and old ass anime coolness
Fucking hell badassness and coolness next level"

The only issue I have with it is that barring a few unique and funny boss fights, and some out of this world setpeace levels, the game level design 70% of the time remains the same, with similar powerups, wish they experimented more.

Edit: "But man replaying it over and over on hardest difficulties I just had to bump this up to 10, this game is outlandishly fun"

Solid 10/10

OLD Demo review
Hands down best Demo i ever played in my life, and GOT DAMN while playing it, I feel like i was high on COCAIN while orgasming nonstop.

I just Finished Jusant, Holy fuck didn't expect it to be this good of an experience, The most chill, Cozy, and Comfy game of 2023 Love it from start to finish, The atmosphere, the art style/visuals, and the cozy music nature of this game are So soothing, The gameplay is amazing, not challenging but engaging and satisfying from start to finish, it introduced new elements in each chapter to keep it fresh and satisfying, the only nitpick I have is that the emotional beats at the end did not do it for me tbh, and there is Unreal engine curse i.e stutter here and there.
I highly recommend this game, solid 8/10.

I played the initial few hours of it and yea sadly this game had a good premise, some great voice acting and good investigations mission design even tho they are on rails game does 95% of the job for u all u do is move and interact with things, but the decisions are urs to make, the setting of 1600's and the locations are also really cool not much explored in gaming landscape either, all in all this had great freaking potential but it all crumble down when it comes to gameplay.

the combat is Mid feel like its pre alpha or someshit, the platforming is straight from GOW on rail stuff.
the only thing that works and responsive is moving around in the world.

i wanted to like this game but I like this when I wasn't playing but watching the cutscenes the characters talking but when I got control of character I kind despise playing it felt boring so yea this isn't for me.

Finished Dead space remake, and let me say in a year where we got two of the best games in horror survival genre DS remake really stand no chance, it don’t have that well paced action gameplay like re4 and it certainly don’t have a phenomenal story like Alan wake 2.
Overall game is good, ATMOSPHERE is great, VISUALS really good but sadly hitching is big issue on pc even on 100+ fps, SOUND is good, and STORY whatever.
GAMEPLAY have lots of potential, like I still think OG DeadSpace is very much playable to this day, the improvement are good sadly not enough it somewhat limiting, like u can only equip 4 weapons at a time and can’t quick swap with other, cuz going to inventory don’t pause the game, so good chance that u can’t experiment a lot with diff weapons.
LEVEL DESIGN and levels are mix bag cuz of always feels like you’re walking in a corridor, and MISSION DESIGN is also repetitive af doing same objective again and again.

The game that started it all, the reason I love linear action-adventure stories, and I am a gamer.

Storytelling time, I was little I wanted to play this game so bad I love the whole concept of time, but I didn't have a powerful PC but when I get the PC around 2005-6 and Played and finished, the whole POP sands trilogy, I fell in love with linear action-adventure games.

and after finishing my replay of SOT holy fucking shit what a phenomenal game this is, I am happy to say the younger me was a man of culture.
game aged gracefully, the story holds up, the whole journey of Prince and farah is peak fiction.

Gameplay is superb the platforming is amazing, the combat is basic but its strategic, e.g that each enemy has diff Immunities and weaknesses
Gray enemies are immune to wall attacks but can be 1 hit kill by jump attack and dagger absorb
Red enemies are immune to jump attacks and dagger absorb and wall attacks but can be killed by jump attacks
Blue enemies are weak to everything but 1 wall attacks can stun them.
like there is good amount of strategy in a basic combat system and there are blocks, parry and special time powers

I fucking love this trilogy back then and I fucking love it now.


it is a budgeted title, the art style is hi-fi at home, story is pretty mid/skippable, but the gameplay carries it, good chill vibes, at least until u reach the last boss fight dat us straight up BS lol

Finished Spider-Man 2, this is perfect sequel and how sequel should've been in many ways but it fumble in its story.
Visually this is amazing looking, the detailing of newyork and the speed of traversal is next level, The game need little bit updating tho it do have some bugs here and there and not the spidey kind.
Gameplay enhancement are great the traversal been improved alot, the combat is also great it do take little bit to get use to and parry seems useless in normal fights but in 1v1 boss fights its amazing.(still rpefer the MM combat tho).
The mission structure, the setpeieces and the bombastic nature of this game is next level love it so much, there are some jawdropping stuff that i can't talk about woithout spoiling, the side content also been improved alot.
Now The story oof thats kinda of a let down tbh especially 1st few acts, don't get me wrong this is still very good story but it is not as great as 1st Sm story which imo best SM story in any media (I love it to death) the last act when venom comes to picture saved this story for me, but it needed that close to heart stuff like the og had, but holy shit these BOSS fights got ur heart pumping the best Boss fights in a super hero game
overall very happy with this sequel 9/10.

Finished pepper grinder
Let me get this out of the way, i ain't no 2d platformer dude, these Mario/Celeste of the worlds never appeal to me, I just found the concept of jumping on platforms boring.

But holy shit PG is freaking awesome. finished it in 1 sitting, this game throws the pressing A to jump out of the window, instead incorporating a unique mechanic, u are grinding throw walls, water, snow etc etc, gameplay LOOP freaking slaps, and among these things, there are setpieces moments where u equipe different kind of weapons not gonna spoil.

Visuals are also good pixelated stuff, Story is basic, levels are also pretty basic looks-wise wish they were as unique as the gameplay.

Bosses are also good.

Finished POP the lost crown.
POP ahhh the reason I started gaming back in the day was because of POP sand of time trilogy, the reason why I love 3rd person action adventure games, when it was 1st revealed that POP the lost crown was going to be 2d Metroid vania I was really skeptical cuz I have bad track record with Metroid vania they could’nt keep me engaged with their heavy focus on platforming and backtracking, But if there’s any game that gonna made me finish a Metroidvania it’s POP, and man I am glade that I did.

The lost crown have the perfect balance of combat encounters, platforming, puzzle solving and boss fights, even back tracking is fun with its clever shortcuts, the level design truly shines through.

GAMEPLAY is super responsive and Polished to the last bit, can’t believe Shitsoft(ubisoft) made this game, the COMBAT started out simple yet deep enough with its parry and slide and bow but as the game progresses it introduces new some mechanics (that should be experience first hand) and diff combos with those mechanic make it the most versatile combat system ever easily top 5 combat system for me.

PLATFORMING is challenging but awesome, the new mechanics and power really make the platforming so much engaging. it just feels good to move around the animation system they have is amazing.

The platforming and power related PUZZLE DESIGN is also something to marvel at, The game make u think more often, and when u get through a particular puzzle section it feel satisfying af.

LEVEL DESIGN is like u take from soft souls like levels and convert them into 2d Metroid vania, with interconnected map, cool and sensible shortcut to make back tracking more fun and less tiresome.

The ANIMATION SYSTEM here had to be one of the amazing feature of this game, the heavy emphasis on it being anime like, with amazing over the top anime finisher when u parry an upcoming special attack.

STORY is well written and told like it is 3d action adventure game with fully voice acted, motion captured cutscene, with these bombastic action scenes straight from anime, but its weakest point is the main protagonist SARGON lack any personality that made u care for him and the side characters are barely present and lack some emotional beats, but the story is Antagonist he is the star of the show his story the twist the turns his motivation and the final act really make this story memorable. The execution can rival any 3d AAA story driven game, and can practically shit on every other Metroid VANIA out there

The VISUAL DESIGN is also amazing, every area is distinct full of color, its just perfect all around.

The OST oh man it truly sounds like a POP game, no rap music from reveal video thank GOD, it is through and through Persian type OST.

The last but not the least the BOSS FIGHTS oh man these boss fights are freaking next level, they all have distinct attack pattern and it feel satisfying to learn and beat the bosses. (quick not the diff really ramp up on last few boss fight tho)
Overall I would say this game won me over, and this had to the best game ubisoft put out since FarCry 3.

Final verdict would be eaily a 10/10, highly recommend it, this game truly shows what AAA 2d metroidvania looks like and set new standards for the genre, and I am happy to report this game is easily top 15 GOA for me personally and GOTY of 24 so far FF7Rebirth need to impress me helluva lot more to win now.

“Souls like with spongebob coat of paint”
Game is solid concept wise, writing, level design, gameplay concepts are good with good enemy variety and great bosses but it do have that AA jank to it especially in gameplay department, its not as snapy or responsive as something like sekiro, BB or lies of P, but its serviceable ig

Story is also Very good, but holy shit the game dragged on the last act for some bs environmental message that came out of nowhere lol, even tho the main quest felt pretty much over it just goes on to introduce this new story arc and just make it a slog in last act.


Finished Alice Madness return, Man this game had so much potential, the Highs of this game are really high, the visual, the Gothic artstyle, the music and enemy variety is Amazing like Top of the line.

The gameplay is also aged amazingly well, Alice moves like a dream, the controls are responsive, combat although very basic but its satisfying and with different enemies requiring different strategies it never gets old.

but ALAS the game have big issue like with its levels they look amazing, but each Main chapter which there are 5 of them stretches out and dragged out to death, each chapter going from 2 to 3 hour, especially Chapter 3 where i almost dropped the game cuz it goes for 3 hour, and gets boring, reptitive platforming and puzzle design just hurts the game too much.
so overall i would say 7/10

(man if psychonauts dev made creative levels and platforming section for this game it would've been one the best Action platformer out there thats how much it got potential)

Finished my replay of WD1
and had to say when I 1st played this game I was hype for it like everyone else and was disappointed like everyone else cuz it didn't deliver on those high-end visuals, and the sad reality is because of that controversy we just didn't appreciate what great things this game did at the time.

History aside this replay been helluva a ride man, I freaking love this game, and how great of a SP experience this is, this was the time when Ubisoft try to exp with diff stuff before becoming shitsoft and passionless game-pumping factory.
I love how gritty and dark this origin STORY for a vigilante is, wished it was more memorable and Aiden was a bit better acted so he had some charm.
MISSIONS and GAMEPLAY are the high lights of this game, these missions are fun af, and this 3rd person gameplay is just goat af, idk what happened with future WD the guns become toys, but here man they sound great, have weight to them and are impactful.
the animation system deserve big round of applause in this game especially, the walking, running, hiding in car, diff take downs for each gun, its just John wich simulator man.
now this isn't perfect, wished the world was more alive, and dense and hacking was also very serviceable, cars could've used more physics IG, and side activities are cool design around vigilante stuff but they do repeat themselves.

overall as I said playing through this story is amazing, the missions, gameplay and animation and dark tone of the story carry this shit hard for me.
SOLID 8/10