this game actually had potential. only good things i can say about this game are the movement (probably the highlight of the game), the destruction physics and the beautiful colorful world. other than that the game is pretty much a letdown. just fun to fly around and destroy stuff but that didn't really cut it for me.

it's a fun little game, good as an indie title

this is coming from someone who didn't like the soulsborne games at all, didn't like ds1 for the clunky movement and dodging, and only liked Sekiro but it's considered to be a souls-like.

this game is INCREDIBLE. the game plays very well and the bosses are sometimes easy but they are amazing and the OST is HEAVENLY.

what's kind of holding this game back for me is the camera, this is literally your real enemy in most boss fights. also some areas just felt like they were bullsh*t and made no sense at all (maybe i didn't get their ideas).

overall a very solid game that made me wanna give ER another shot.

Holy, i did not expect this game to be this good. this is probably the only souls-like that actually feels like it was made by fromsoft and it's crazy, it's very polished and smooth, the atmosphere is amazing and the combat is just perfect. this is as close as it can get to sekiro in terms of gameplay and the smooth-ness in parries. a very great and underrated game.

i personally don't like the soulsborne games, but this is just perfection.

i know, this game has a lot of issues and is not a perfect game at all but im a sucker for survival/action horror games and this was an amazing experience for me. it has some actually scary moments and the story is amazing. gameplay wise its okay, clunky but fun. sure this game may have some noticeable flaws but i really enjoyed my time with it.

i absolutely LOVE this DLC's movement. probably the best movement in gaming, atleast imo. the speed i was going at to slash through enemies was a very fun experience and there are some new mechanics to make movement feel faster, it was tons of fun overall. very good DLC and is worth the money.

one of the best survival horror games ever made. the game has open areas that are fun to explore and also has fun little side missions that reward you with a good amount of loot and ammo that you will need a lot of, same thing goes for exploring areas as it always feels rewarding to go out of your way and see what's over there. the upgrading system is also great and has some unique abilities, once you get the first couple of stealth upgrades you will have a lot more fun in stealth. stealth is great and you never get tired of the takedown animations. there are a lot of collectables which are always fun to collect. story is above average but it isn't really what i look for in games. voice acting isn't bad but it isn't good either, i find that Sebastian has the best actor even though they changed him from the previous game. Combat is improved upon from the first game and i liked the weapon veraity a lot. overall, the game can be a bit rough around the edges but once you get used to its clunky-ness you will have a very very good time. 9.6/10 one of my favorite games of all time.

loved every single second of this game. i finished it with 373 moons and there are like 400 other moons to collect, it's really crazy. the creative gameplay ideas and art style of this game really makes it unique and I'm not any where near dropping this game

i can't explain how much fun i had while playing this game. the story was so good, the combat felt great and satisfying, even the bat mobile felt great i don't get how people hated it. the game overall makes you feel goosebumps and batman is just too cold in this game. and the ending was perfection. the only negative in this game is the trophies you have to collect but even that is not necessary to enjoy this game.

One of the very few games that made me enjoy every single second of it, Mainly because i love the series and the OG Re4 so much. This game is a masterpiece and it has every factor that makes a game perfect. The graphics, the gameplay the characters and the atmosphere, it's just great. if you are a big fan of Re or even gameplay-based games you will have a great time with this one. Hats off to Capcom for making the best remake to date and even releasing this masterpiece at the price tag of 60$, definitely getting my vote for this GOTY award.