This was a somewhat short, but very much enjoyable experience. I did know some things about the game through videos, but most of it was new to me. Its a nice walking simualator with a great humour and a cool narrator. While I reached most enings by myself, I had to look up three of them, since they were a bit ridiculous to get. Fun game.

Really dope game.
It's basically a third-person shooter version of Luigi's Mansion. The fact how well made this game is made is crazy and even crazier is, that its the actual cast from the movies playing their respective characters.
It's not really long but I was really suprised by its quality and had a blast playing it.

While many in the fanbase see this as a silly, but bad game (while most of them havent played it), I'd say that Dead Souls is really fun. Its not as polished as other Yakuza games in terms of combat, since here its something completely different, but despite the somewhat clunky controls i's very fun. The selection for the characters was great and especially bringing back Ryuji with a freaking machine gun arm was awesome. Worth the play and I had a lot of fun with this game.

Unironically, a master class sequel. The ending of the first entry was a bit too open for my taste and while I liked the cast, I think the cast of the sequel is way more appealing. The characters are fun and charming, though I have to mention that sometimes it was a bit too sexualized (especially some of the odd things Teruteru and Mikan say). It is a good follow up story on the ending of Danganronpa 1 and the ending left me very satisfied. The island with its different designed parts was pretty fun to explore and see through. One of my problems with the first games was also how in the middle of the game, the actual murder cases kind of fell flat? Their mystery was either kind of stupid or just not really intriguing, but its quite the opposite with this game's cases. They're wonderfully presented and it was a great joy to see them slowly unfold, especially with some of the case-related gimmicks. Especially the last portion of the game is very strong and I absolutely love how the ending plays out. The two smaller gimmick modes Island Mode and the Usami mode are also nice additions next to the main story.

The game is almost double as long as the first game but it never felt tiring to play nor does it overstay its welcome. A very good sequel.

its a classic yada yada and I do like the game however some parts of it are just shitty designed

Amazing plot ans atmosphere with the combination of the real life journal. However, I dont like the ''real'' ending a lot and getting it in the first place is really obnoxious

Music, sprite work, amtosphere and all are great. However some parts just have the usual NES-shenanigans when it comes to level design. Its really short and a okay experience, but its obvious that the many of the franchise's later entries outrank the first game by miles.

The super hero stuff is cool but the missions are boring and the overworld quests are really buggy and therefore sometimes just annoying to even complete. It has a lot of detail relating to the DC content but in every other way the game falls kind of flat especially compared to Scribblenauts Unlimited.

What if we met up at Red Rock and killed apes together? 😳👉👈


I always knew this game existed, but never played it for some reason. I have played it a while ago and I was heavily surprised by how good it was. The GTA system worked a lot better than I thought in this boarding school setting. The story is pretty cool for what this game is and the characters are actually charming. The 100% in this game are really easy, but fun.

Nightdive did it again - a remaster that is fairly priced and well made? Crazy. The general overhaul of the graphics such as lighting make it feel much much more modern and nice to look at. Especially the new models are very nice. With Quake II 64, The Reckoning, Ground Zero and a completely new campaign, it makes up for a very good and packed experience. All of that for 10 bucks + it was free for previous owners is amazing.

I normally dont have any interest for Telltale games, since they seem just a bit too boring to me. I do like Borderlands and decided to play this. I totally dont regret it. If you are a fan of the world, the characters and the general Lore of Borderlands, then you should have a lot of fun with this one. Its point and click gameplay, which was pretty okay and the amount of choices you have was also alright.

biggest change is STILL the new monetization of cosmetics