50 Reviews liked by MagesticSapling

Reading the manga instead fuck this shitty game

the Drakengard 1 of shooters

"He's our Spider-Man" is probably the line that best shows the strengths of this game

Wonder if they'll incorporate the radioactive semen plot point in future games in this continuity.

Played the PS4 version earlier this year so not much to say except holy fuck I adore this game

The video game form of the weird lady at the family party who goes "I wiped your ass when you were a baby."

Wild how after two flawed (though enjoyable) budget games over the span of a decade as well as a couple of mediocre spinoffs, the next big Ratchet game Insomniac has made is easily the best game in the entire franchise

One of the stronger kusoge out there

The dangers of robot racism cannot be overlooked

Think the game could have done with being a bit longer, but what's there is a really endearing & fun adventure that finishes off Chloe's arc pretty nicely. Really liked Nadine in this as well, she gets a lot of time to shine here

One of the most sincere and heartfelt endings to a game character out there, best game that's numbered 4 for sure

Kind of a mess but an immensely entertaining and earnest one