This game was so frustrating to get through.

This feels like the easiest game so far. I like that this is the first 8bit game to have special stages for the emeralds, which felt missing from the previous 2. And I like how the special stages change things up a little. But what I don't like is how once you get 100 rings you're instantly brought to the special stages which also makes you skip to the next stage. I wish it was like a couple previous games where you have to jump into the special stages at the end of the maps with the sign post, that way you actually have to complete the stages instead of skipping them.

Tbh not as enjoyable then the last couple. The time travel mechanic I think could have been handled better, sometimes it would take forever to get enough speed to go to the past without being interrupted. The special stages were also a pain. I also feel like there was not much a reason to go to any versions of the future since you have to do the past stages to break the machines to change get the good futures or get the time stones (which you can do in any versions of the stage) so you usually don't get enough time to go to present and future. Maybe an easier way to replay levels and giving the future stages their own goals (past the stones) would make them worth wile?
Great music tho!

It was ok, the new mechanics were interesting but a few were frustrating to get use to. Honestly feel like the first 8bit game was a little better, and kinda wish this had special levels like that one did (even if they weren't really of consequence since the Chaos Emeralds are hidden in normal stages)
Tails also didn't die!

I had a more enjoyable time with this one compared to the first one but I think I preferred the special stages of 1 better. Tails makes the last couple hard to do but I managed somehow.

A lot easier and shorter then normal Sonic 1.

I'm not that big on platformers but it wasn't that bad.

They somehow actually tied P4 (more specifically Inaba) into the background narrative of P1/P2IS/P2EP/P3, and I don't completely hate it!

It ok, the main narrative that connected the previous games is already over so there was no need to make another game. There is a ton of aspects with this game I hate the direction they're going, but I can understand the charm. Hopefully this is the last one and if they do make another they don't double down on all of this games flaws...

The definitive version of Persona 3.
Amazing ending and epilogue to the story built up throughout the original trilogy. Hopefully they don't try to continue to make sequels when the main story that connected the first 4 is already over. ~ Dated: 2007

This games already not good but it goes down stars for collabing with an even worse game.

So this is what Lara Croft does on the days she's not raiding tombs.

Before every multi-billion dollar company tried to scam people with the idea of a "metaverse".

I like this series, but I think its biggest flaw is being about American teens written by French adults. It gets better as the series goes on at least.

Who came up with the name? The "the" was unnecessary.