This game is really great, all the immersive sim principles are here, we have so many ways to conquer the challenge of surviving the Talos I hostile environment, there are many sub quests available to complete, and the story is really great too.


A good game with really fun 3d platforming, but underwhelming combat and boss fights

Really fun and short action game about committing tax evasion. Negative points for critical reference

It's not as bad as everyone portrays it to be, the region had great city designs, cool pokemons ideas, but route were empty, and the game was too linear.

This is why you should talk to your family members when grieving

Really great shooter game, with some issues. Not the best bioshock game, but definitely unique one.

Great concept for a short and addictive game.

Really great sequel that improved on the original, the story was great, level design was fun, especially the ones with the board.

It's pretty good, I didn't liked it as much as mega man 2 tho

Bought this game because I loved the original game jam one and the spinoff, and I'm kinda disappointed with what I've got. I liked the art style and the presented minigames, but I feel like there wasn't that much of interesting horror themed ideas for the minigames.

Great game for the first half, but the backtracking was frustrating, at least some of the levels in the second half were great.

Really beautiful game with great combat mechanic and artistic direction.

Much harder game than the first one, but also it had far more interesting mechanics and level ideas implemented.