"escapism bad reality good" ok mr video essayist I get it this game still has a shit gameplay, boring plot and uninteresting characters

what if we took the stealth levels from MGR no one liked and made it an entire game

Creativity and quality at game freak truly went out with a bang


Gary Smith is a Twitter user before Twitter even existed

Perfect test to see who had their minds poisoned by years online rendering them unable to enjoy anything without hiding it through 50 layers of irony and who didn't get filtered

Most fighting games have a mediocre first entry that feels unplayable as more refined sequels come out. Here despite the improvements made in the sequels (and the undoing of all of it that was soulcalibur V) it's still genuinely good to this day. Also Mozart couldn't make a better intro song.


Really conflicted about this one. On one hand the graphics are impressive for the time and still hold up despite the brown/gray FPS aesthetic being ran so far into the ground it went through the other side of the planet. The sound design is amazing and if you want to use gun sounds you should take inspiration from this game.

But on the other hand the sensitivity is too high for my liking (I play controller FPS with low sensitivities) and you can't change it, I experienced way too many bugs and they weren't shit like one corpse twitching, I go inside the museum and I get teleported back and shoutout to one where my entire screen went black (pun intended) in a shootout, couldn't see anything and died.

This is the kind of game that should get a remake instead of what we have (worse versions of classics resold to profit off an established name). There are traces of an excellent game here, I just wish it was less buggy and on PC.

This might be the best fangame of all time. Everything good about megaman battle network was kept or improved, everything bad was removed or made interesting and all the new additions are really fun except some optionnel bosses. Hell even the writing is good which is a rarity for fangames.

Plays better and isn't as oppressively linear as the first. Worse in every other regard even if some of it wasn't good to begin with (Noel is mid and Serah barely matters but their competition is Lightning which means the bar is stuck in the earth's core) . The game playing better and Caius being the kind of character I wish was in a better game bump the rating to a mid.

I will not est the bugs

I will not live in a pod

I will not think FFXIII is good no matter the amount of gaslighting from people with severe brain damage

As with all WayForward games, calling it mid isn't an insult it's a description.

It's Persona 3 so it has a great base but as much as I like her as a protagonist over her male counterpart due to me prefering more cheerful characters in a dark setting (as far as self-inserts go) FeMc and party control isn't worth losing so much of the game's presentation and the awful new S-Links.

Having to make the story and one of the best moments in the game way less impactful to complete all S-Links for FeMc is also a baffling decision

"It's supposed to be bad it's stupid fun turn your brain off" How about I break your face so hard your brain will turn off permanently

Less bloated than 3H, still has some especially in the end. Shez isn't amazing but is much better than Byleth

It's a musou, punching hordes of goons and the movesets are fun but enemy tricksters seem to never stagger.

Story is apparently better with Edelgard and Claude, I didn't like it much with Dimitri even if I welcome that IS finally learned to not have everyone rely on the self-insert. Some people say it's fanfic-tier but it's a musou spin-off what do you expect and 3H's story wasn't all that great to begin with. Thankfully the cast is still there and as strong and interesting as in 3H.

All in all it's a fine game that does things better than 3H and is fun if you enjoy cleaving through hordes for 20 minutes before inexplicably put the game down

You know that modded boss in hollow knight designed to be stupid and impossible but some crazy bastard did it anyway and this accident turned into an insanely fun and rewarding challenge ? This game is the equivalent of that