I played it with the tagline of "generic anime game" from the kind of people who clap whenever big budget with open world, pointless crafting and female protagonist that is as interesting as random PS3-era white guy but one's more marketable so yeah

Anyway outside of minor combat issues and protag Yuito who is indeed very generic the game hits a lot of right notes for me. Both parties play each other really well (especially Kasane's which is honestly the best route, even if I prefer Yuito's gameplay). Most characters are really cool and even the worst ones like Tsumugi or Yuito are just bland and aren't insufferable. Shoutout to team Kasane and Gemma they're really cool. What's not really cool are the final chapters that are basically the same regardless of who you choose.

Combat feels good, SAS powers are fun to use and they clearly tried to compensate Kasane's gameplay not feeling as good as Yuito by giving her Arashi, Kyoka and Kagero which are among the coolest powers. With that said sometimes enemy reactions are wack and some take too long to die unless you bonk them with psychokinesis on a spot that is too small for how imprecise that power is. There's definitely room for ilprovement but I mostly liked what I played

Bosses were a mixed bag, the Yuito ones were great especially the chapter 9's (best fight in the game), Kasane's were bad if you don't count shit like the factory fight where it's just a 3v3 and whoever you play is based on the protag. Kodama is the worst character in the game, her fights aren't very interesting mechanically and she has no character

So yeah good game, not a masterpiece but apparently it had to be one for some reason. I hope we get a sequel or more games like these because this is on the better side of action games that try to insert a gimmick besides beating regular melee combat

Massive metal gear rising revengeance fan (listened to rules of nature once) can't shut up about it and does after playing it for the first time

I couldn't know if I enjoyed the story or not as I didn't care about anything about it but in a game like this I do care about shooting things and I can say shooting things is fun

Far Cry 3 for Sony cinematic AAA experiences (tm), decent game that had a negative influence over the industry as a whole

A good game that also proves you can gaslight people into thinking the most basic and least subtle "believe in yourself" story is somehow groundbreaking if you jingle keys in front of the most annoying people online.

This game was good then Ubisoft turned it into the blueprint for every mediocre open world game they released after it and makes me wish it didn't exist

"Trails of Cold Steel has reached it's conclusion" is the best part of this game

This feels like an apology for the 2 previous games

I was about to write a long review ranting about how the finale isn't actually the ending and instead it's a shitty and useless chapter leading to a reskin of the previous game's final boss that literally tells you it's pointless to fight him, how you spend most boss battles jobbing in the next cutscene or how there are like 3 characters that get good development but I held back

Sky FC but worse except for the soundtrack which goes hard I thought I was playing Azure

I think some of the bad parts are overlooked (mostly having one good villain and the rest kinda goes from mid to whatever Ian was as well as him surviving which was so important he hasn't been seen or mentionned once in the following 6 games) but the rest of the game is so solid in all aspects that I can't rate it any lower. Shoutout to Garcia for turning Lloyd into the best protag since Kevin please beat me up so I can turn into the ultimate badass too

This game is so good I wish cops were real

Dungeon crawling should be permanent in Trails if it makes games as good as this

Very overhyped, has some of the best moments in the series but takes way too long for that to happen. Can't wait for Walter's return in Kuro and playing it in 2029