For a Gacha it's a great game so far. The story is fun and interesting. Music and environments are nice and lot's of unique characters. Also the pull rates aren't too bad.

Love turn based RPGs and having an auto feature is great when grinding materials or gear.

Nice story related demo to give us a taste of the full experience.

Gets boring pretty quick with only the catching mechanic of Pokemon and Raid battles.

Great game but MMO so takes up to much time. Had to drop it after a year, many backlogged games i want to play.

No passion/soul/life in this game. Could have been so much more.

Honestly the worst Gacha game I have ever played and I've played a ton of them.

This is the most pay to win game I have ever played and the prices are fucking ridiculous. Constant pop-ups trying to get you to spend every time you return to the HUB. Every little aspect is monetized to hell which kills any potential fun in the game. There's only 3 mins of story. No events besides farm this dungeon a million times (using tons of resources you wont have without spending) for shitty rewards. Everything you would do in any other gacha takes 50x longer to do in Raid. They actually locked a champion behind $15,000 of spending on their special platform or 21 Years of playing for free. It's the most disgusting thing I've seen in a game.

Game has been around for 4 years and they still haven't added QOL features that have been asked since day 1 and every other gacha has day 1. Doing certain aspects of the game feels like pulling teeth.

I could probably write a book about how bad this game is but I'll end it with this.

Whenever someone says a certain Gacha game is bad I just say "You don't know bad until you've played Raid Shadow Legends".

Great as a Hack "n" Slash, terrible as a DMC game.

All your Halo needs in one place, too bad it was broken for 2 years.

It's a Physiological Horror as Steam describes it.

I loved playing Yu-Gi-Oh! growing up amd still do but not modern Yu-Gi-Oh!. Everything was fine (Pendulum Summons started the downhill trend) until Link Monsters showed up.

Now 90% of your time playing this is spent watching your opponent take a 15 minute turn then beat you turn 1. Unless you spend a bunch of money or time to build the same meta deck.

Would give this a 5/5 stars if DMC 2 wasn't included.

Just a slight difficulty change in the US version for some reason and texture upgrades.

Only got this because some friends wanted to play it. Pretty bad/janky, loot/runing simulator.

It was also the start of the terrible and overated Battle Royale genre of games.

Don't like the speed duel format (3 monsters 3 spells/traps) it's pretty bad.

Apparently, the game has also gone super pay to win (to be expected when there's microtransactions).

Game is not perfect, but it is easily the best overall Yu-Gi-Oh! game. Has the most cards available (besides the two microtransaction filled games).

You can duel against every character from every series in the story mode. You can also do the reverse duel where you play as those characters getting to see and experience many different deck types. There's also online or local versus and a drafting mode.

Best part is that this game only has the intro to Link monsters that ruined modern Yu-Gi-Oh! With it's meta take a 15 minute turn to play your deck and shut down the game (looking at you Master Duel).