I finally played this game and wow this is great. Brought me back to the feeling of 64 but perfected. The moon difficulty and Mario's moveset range from casual to pro. You can approach it anyway you want and still have a good time.

The amount of collectibles can seem overwhelming but you have a choice of what you go after. Unless you're a perfectionist, then I say good luck to you. (I'm one of those, and I had to give up after over 700 moons.)

The post game gets pretty challenging. The game definitely had that Mario 64 feeling once you get to the mushroom kingdom.

Overall, it was a great game with lots of fun to be had, possibly my favorite 3D Mario game.

Played this as a kid dozens of times and just replayed it. Still one of my favorites and an amazing game 28 Years later.

Exceptional stage's design, atmospheric storybook visual with a great soundtrack.
Fun and unique boss fights. Talking about bosses the music and atmosphere of the final boss is one of the most memorable on the SNES.

This game is a masterpiece easily one of the best Run & Gun games ever. With Seven Force being the greatest boss in the genre.

If you like Run & Gun games and haven't played this do yourself a favor and play it immediately.

Recently replayed this and it's a big upgrade from Xtreme.
A handful of new bosses and stages.
There is one down side to this. One of the new bosses (Isaz/Spinx Tank) is the worst boss in any Megaman game it is just frustrating to deal with.

The 8 boss stages are remixes of the originals instead of just ripping a small section from the SNES stages like Xtreme did.
You can now play as Zero and even have his abilities similar to X4. You also get a armor set for Zero (just upgrades ATK/DEF).
There is a somewhat interesting story this time.
There's also a boss rush mode that lets you choose between the bosses from the first xtreme or this one.
Plays pretty well overall considering the hardware it was on.
Would have loved to see these Xtreme games continued on better hardware.

Played this as a kid and thought it was pretty cool (mainly because of the final boss and all the playable characters). Played it again recently and it's definitely worse than I remember but not terrible.

The level design was pretty basic and all 5 acts (a few tomany), looked pretty similar. There was definitely a lot of colors and movement in the background but every zone of a stage felt the same. Also the bosses were pretty boring.

The "ring power" (tether gimic) had some interesting ideas, but holy shit did it mess with more precise platforming making it frustrating on occasions.

The music was pretty good and having 7 different characters to play as was pretty cool.

Not too sure on the story of this game it just kinda drops you in at the beginning then rolls the credits immediately at the end.

Pretty basic with basic modes like time trial, gem clear and original. I find this better than classic Tetris but not by much. Definitely prefer Columns III with it's vs mode (player or AI). The music is solid it won't get old.

I played this when I was a kid around the time it released and loved it even though I thought some parts were pretty challenging.

Played it again recently and I gotta say I still find it fun. It definitely felt a lot easier this time around.

Something I don't understand is why there is so much hate for this entry. The art style is great and the soundtrack is really good (especially that stage select theme).
My guess is because it's on the easier side.

Definitely one of my favorite classic Megaman with 6 being the only NES one I really liked. Sad that 9 and 10 didn't keep this art style and reverted to the classic NES look.

My favorite horror game, the perfect blend of horror and action. The gameplay is fluid and frantic and the atmosphere compliments it perfectly.

Interesting twist on a Yu-Gi-Oh! game and one of the best non traditional Yu-Gi-Oh! games.

It plays like a game of chess with the trading cards. Couple new rules with movement, leader abilities and win conditions.

It's a somewhat complicated game to get into (especially with the mostly bad starter decks) but once you do it's pretty fun.

Everything the first game had but taken to the max and then some.

I played it on the Gameboy when I was a kid then again when I was older and it just always felt bad to play it.

I'm glad they remade it 26 years later so I can finally fully enjoy it.

My favorite 2D Zelda and possibly my favorite Zelda overall. I played this game over and over as a kid. Also played the remake when it released.

There's just something unique about this game, I can play it 100 times and never get tired of it.

Honestly the worst Gacha game I have ever played and I've played a ton of them.

This is the most pay to win game I have ever played and the prices are fucking ridiculous. Constant pop-ups trying to get you to spend every time you return to the HUB. Every little aspect is monetized to hell which kills any potential fun in the game. There's only 3 mins of story. No events besides farm this dungeon a million times (using tons of resources you wont have without spending) for shitty rewards. Everything you would do in any other gacha takes 50x longer to do in Raid. They actually locked a champion behind $15,000 of spending on their special platform or 21 Years of playing for free. It's the most disgusting thing I've seen in a game.

Game has been around for 4 years and they still haven't added QOL features that have been asked since day 1 and every other gacha has day 1. Doing certain aspects of the game feels like pulling teeth.

I could probably write a book about how bad this game is but I'll end it with this.

Whenever someone says a certain Gacha game is bad I just say "You don't know bad until you've played Raid Shadow Legends".

Hands down the best Classic-Vania. While it lacks a few things Castlevania IV and Rondo of Blood have it makes up for it in rich gameplay, visuals and sound fully utilizing the power of the SEGA Genesis.

This game was far ahead of anything else on the Genesis (Contra HardCorps being it's equal) and one of the most replayable SEGA games 30 years later.

In a time with no Castlevania this game came and filled that void in our hearts.

It's basically SotN (or any of the GBA/DS games that came after) but less and more somehow. It's not as good as SotN or some of the handheld Castlevanias. But there's so much content and replayability that's still being added at the time of writing this (4 years after release).