My favourite Mario game as of now.

It's been said a million times, but its really true that they just perfected the Mario movement in this game. Everything feels fluid and you have so much control to move in anyway you'd need to for both a skilled or unskilled player.

Kingdoms bring variety and fun takes on classic themes like the "lava world" being the Luncheon kingdom that's all food themed is such a fun twist. Having the "bowser world" as a pure Japanese aesthetic castle is so good and im surprised it hasnt been done sooner.

Music is stand out throughout (although it surprised me on replay just how often the game lets you sit and explore with no OST)


This is easily my favourite 2D Mario game and an instant classic to me, the game is absoultely beaming with life and personality. I dont know why but I went in not assuming there would be a wonder effect EVERY level and it was just every an every 2-3 levels sort of gimmick but they fully commit to it and it leaves you always excited for the next level to see what new mechanics they spring on you which is something I cant say for any other Mario platformer like this.

I feel like it takes quite a bit of inspiration from recent Rayman platformers like Origins/Legends (not a bad thing, Legends is my favourite platformer of all time) with the way it perfectly adds flow into levels that make you feel like you're being led down perfectly crafted road.

Started a new PSN account to try and maintain a 100% trophy percentage as long as possible. Of course had to start with the GOAT. My favourite game for a reason, the game never gets old.

Still my least favourite of the OG trilogy and remembered why while replaying, skill points like Wrench Ninja 2 made me very angry. So many things can go wrong with it outside of your control, its frustrating.

Weapon scaling in challenge mode is also questionable where you'll only be using like 2 weapons by the end due to damage output