I said that Generations is my favourite Sonic game but Mania is EXTREMELY close and they probably swap back and forth quite often.

Everyone knows why Mania is great, they NAILED the physics and momentum on classic Sonic in a way not done in years and not done since. Visually it's gorgeous. Level themes are great (Press Garden is an instant classic).

The videogame equivalent of a hug, this is the perfect comfort game.

An absolute masterpiece that takes all of the improvements that the PS4 game made in style and gameplay but then adds an ACTUAL GOOD STORY, with good characters.

This is the best RAC game in decades, probably since RAC3 and the Original.

If I ever want to play a "goalpost" Mario game (as in one of the games that are strictly level based) it will most likely always be 3D world.

It's such a great blend of 2D concepts into 3D levels and builds perfectly off of the 3DS game. Double Cherry and Cat Suit are both fantastic and add great gameplay variety.

The speed of the game really sells it though, it's the most fluid game in the series and racing through levels just FEELS good


This is easily my favourite 2D Mario game and an instant classic to me, the game is absoultely beaming with life and personality. I dont know why but I went in not assuming there would be a wonder effect EVERY level and it was just every an every 2-3 levels sort of gimmick but they fully commit to it and it leaves you always excited for the next level to see what new mechanics they spring on you which is something I cant say for any other Mario platformer like this.

I feel like it takes quite a bit of inspiration from recent Rayman platformers like Origins/Legends (not a bad thing, Legends is my favourite platformer of all time) with the way it perfectly adds flow into levels that make you feel like you're being led down perfectly crafted road.

Sonic Mania is good, it's a solid 2D platformer that does well in creating momentum and using it in fun level designs.

The problem with it is that I don't think it does anything better than Mania, which came out 6 years ago (wow) and was 1/3 of the price of Superstars when it released.

Also the Emerald powers feel sort of like an afterthought and not that interesting. (the special stages are super lame as well) I would've preferred if they gave you a series of elemental shields by using them or something.

Then the final 3 bosses are all pretty tricky, but most importantly, all too long. The 'true ending' boss took me like 13 minutes for my successful run.

This is really such a step in the wrong direction for me with Lego games.

For the past decade now, Lego games have struck a good balance between a selection of story missions (normally around 10-15 length missions with puzzles throughout) and an open world collectathon. These two aspect compliment each other as you would normally unlock more in open world to then use in the levels in free play mode.

The Skywalker Saga has next to no actual Story Mode content, the majority of following the movies plot here involves simply walking through corridors or escorting an NPC. ITS AWFUL. If you like playing the levels in Lego games, do not play this game.

Literally 95% of content is in the open world now and while that content is fine, it doesn't make up for everything lost.

Still my least favourite of the OG trilogy and remembered why while replaying, skill points like Wrench Ninja 2 made me very angry. So many things can go wrong with it outside of your control, its frustrating.

Weapon scaling in challenge mode is also questionable where you'll only be using like 2 weapons by the end due to damage output

It's still a R&C game so i'm still loving it, but this suffers from Early-PS3 ugliness and this is a big step down from the PS2 era in terms of visual design. Things look plastic and gross alot.

If SMB3 was the first good Mario game, then World is the first time they absolutely hit it out of the park.

Super Mario World not only holds up as a good game by todays standards but stays as one of the best 2D platformers still. It's just the perfect level of fluid in terms of controls. You just always feel in control.

Started a new PSN account to try and maintain a 100% trophy percentage as long as possible. Of course had to start with the GOAT. My favourite game for a reason, the game never gets old.

Gotta be one of the best sequels out there. I think the run of the first 5 zones in Sonic 2 (Emerald Hill - Hill Top) might be consistently the strongest and most fun set of levels in the franchise.

The games let down a BIT by its last couple of zones though. Mystic Cave is... fine, but Oil Ocean is super ugly and boring and then Metropolis is obnoxious at times to get through.

How has there not been a sequel to Legends yet? This and Origins came pretty close to a perfect platformer and a decade later they haven't capitalised on that.

The game is visually stunning with a great artstyle. Fast and flowing gameplay that starts to tow the line between platformer and rhythm game at times with how natural movement feels.

Screw the platinum trophy though, having to grind months of daily challenges was too much.

I'm a Star Light Zone stan till the day I die. Why does the zone never get referenced in the future?

It's actually wild how strong the first Sonic game stays to this day. It holds up with strong platforming and maybe the best soundtrack of any 2D Sonic game?

Both the speed based and platforming based zones are balanced well and all great (except for labyrinth zone). Not much to say with Sonic 1, they knew what they were doing here.

I'd just like to thank Backloggd for allowing me to find this game again. For YEARS now, i've had this vague memory of a PS2 game that I grew up with and enjoyed, but just couldn't remember enough details to put a name to it.

While setting up my account here I finally found and remembered this childhood classic of mine.

The best of the classic sprites for Sonic and it's not even close.

Super ambitious with the technology of the time, merging two games into one will always be cool and I like how even though it's still basic, they throw a bit more story between levels with the transitions.

I think it is the weakest of the trilogy though, with more zones than before being misses for me. Still some all time greats though; Angel Island, Snow Cap, Hydrocity, and Mushroom Hill are all super fun. (i guess it's alot of the S&K zones I find meh)