Still my least favourite of the OG trilogy and remembered why while replaying, skill points like Wrench Ninja 2 made me very angry. So many things can go wrong with it outside of your control, its frustrating.

Weapon scaling in challenge mode is also questionable where you'll only be using like 2 weapons by the end due to damage output

Started a new PSN account to try and maintain a 100% trophy percentage as long as possible. Of course had to start with the GOAT. My favourite game for a reason, the game never gets old.


This is easily my favourite 2D Mario game and an instant classic to me, the game is absoultely beaming with life and personality. I dont know why but I went in not assuming there would be a wonder effect EVERY level and it was just every an every 2-3 levels sort of gimmick but they fully commit to it and it leaves you always excited for the next level to see what new mechanics they spring on you which is something I cant say for any other Mario platformer like this.

I feel like it takes quite a bit of inspiration from recent Rayman platformers like Origins/Legends (not a bad thing, Legends is my favourite platformer of all time) with the way it perfectly adds flow into levels that make you feel like you're being led down perfectly crafted road.

My favourite Mario game as of now.

It's been said a million times, but its really true that they just perfected the Mario movement in this game. Everything feels fluid and you have so much control to move in anyway you'd need to for both a skilled or unskilled player.

Kingdoms bring variety and fun takes on classic themes like the "lava world" being the Luncheon kingdom that's all food themed is such a fun twist. Having the "bowser world" as a pure Japanese aesthetic castle is so good and im surprised it hasnt been done sooner.

Music is stand out throughout (although it surprised me on replay just how often the game lets you sit and explore with no OST)

I'm really surprised how much I enjoyed this. I never played it originally because I'd played 3D World on the WiiU in the past so wasn't that excited for the Switch port but this REALLY switches things up a lot.

Bowser's Fury feels the most like a modern sequel to Mario 64. Individual levels with multiple objectives built into one larger hub. It's nice and small scale to the point it just feels cozy to play for a couple of hours.

Mario feels strangely Sonic-like in his animations in the few cutscenes of the game as well, not just because he goes Super Saiyan for the boss fights, but the way his face expresses and his arm movements felt really Sonic-y to me, idk.

If I ever want to play a "goalpost" Mario game (as in one of the games that are strictly level based) it will most likely always be 3D world.

It's such a great blend of 2D concepts into 3D levels and builds perfectly off of the 3DS game. Double Cherry and Cat Suit are both fantastic and add great gameplay variety.

The speed of the game really sells it though, it's the most fluid game in the series and racing through levels just FEELS good

Maybe doesn't reach the highs of Job Job from JPP8 but this is for sure more consistently good.

#1 Quixort - I've never heard more yelling than in this game, it's great at breaking up friends quickly
#2 Fibbage 4 - It's still Fibbage, its still a good time that everyone understands and enjoys. A crowd pleaser
#3 Nonsensory - Another instance of mates being too brain dead to read prompts but leads to hilarious anger
#4 Roomerang - Takes a while to play so a bigger commitment but can lead to some great teams forming and banter
#5 Junktopia - It's alright but I think we only played this once. Not against it, but it didn't stand out.

Generally on the weaker side of packs. It is almost entirely held up by Job Job, the rest I dont really see us ever revisiting.

#1 Job Job - A top 10 jackbox game, absolute chaos of everyone taking shots at eachother and creating the absolute worst sentences ever.
#2 Wheel of Enormous Proportions - A solid trivia game, but I'd always be rather playing Murder Party if I want trivia
#3 Poll Mine - Can be fun 1 or 2 times but loses it's appeal pretty quickly
#4 Weapons Drawn - I think my mates are all just too dumb to understand this game consistently, probably not the games fault.
#5 Drawful Animate - Just a worse Drawful, don't bother with this one.

Jackbox 7 has what i'd say is the single best and worst game in any of the packs which makes for an interesting batch.

#1 Quiplash 3 - The perfect Jackbox experience, will never get old. More please
#2 Talking Points - Not for everyone but im a big fan of the presentation games so this one is great, love a powerpoint.
#3 Champ'd Up - The fact that champions can return in following rounds makes this so much better.
#4 Blather Round - Depending on how bad your friends are this can be hilariously frustrating in the best ways.
#5 Devil in the Details - This doesn't work at all imo, the weakest of any jackbox game to date.

This pack is 100% back to the bangers now and is probably the pack me and friends have played the most? Id say these are all great

#1 Push the Button - Could be a full game on it's own, a brilliant among-us-esque deception game.
#2 Dictionarium - Brilliant time of words getting more and more unhinged, there are so many classics we've made in this
#3 Joke Boat - Cringe in the best way, the repeated catchphrases make this great fun.
#4 Role Models - Simple but can create so many arguments, not enough prompts though
#5 Trivia Murder Party2 - Its still a great trivia game which shows how good this pack is.

Don't think there's any stand out bangers in this pack. Still some fun to be had but nothing that makes JPP5 a must own compared to the others.

#1 Mad Verse City - Some of the lamest rap verses ever make for some hilarious back and forth
#2 Patently Stupid - Always enjoy the presentation games and this is a pretty solid one
#3 Split the Room - Hypotheticals are always good content for a room of friends so some good times are had here
#4 You Don't Know Jack 2 - Still not my fav trivia game style but not bad, its decent
#5 Crab Nebula - Honestly don't think we ever played this one

This is the first pack that i'd say is pretty consistantly fantastic. (even if it doesn't have Quiplash)

#1 Fibbage3 - The player questions add so much fun to it
#2 Survive the Internet - Some of the funniest moments are from this one
#3 Monster Seeking Monster - Competitive dating sim meets deception game, its great and makes for good rp banter
#4 Bracketeering - Simple concept but the prompts work well enough to lead to great situations
#5 Civic Doodle - A fun enough take on the drawing game

Another mixed batch but the highs are really good.

#1 Quiplash2 - More Quippers, more prompts, no complaints
#2 Trivia Murder Party - Maybe the best trivia game in Jackbox?
#3 TeeKO - A decent drawing game, not the best, not the worst
#4 Guesspionance - Real great fun but needs larger groups imo
#5 Fakin It - The miss of the pack

LETS GOOO, the introduction of Quiplash so it's instantly based.

#1 Quiplash XL- Probably the best game in Jackbox history
#2 Bidiots - Feels like a worse version of Drawful
#3 Fibbage2 - More Fibbage, its stil real fun
#4 Earwax - Can be some good fun depending on mood
#5 Bomb Corp - Nah, this ones a miss

It started the packs so im grateful for that but the first ones a real mixed back. There's really no reason to play it since the best ones here have better remakes later on.

#1 Fibbage - A Jackbox classic but better versions exist
#2 Drawful - Pretty good fun but again better versions exist
#3 You Don't Know Jack - An ok trivia game
#4&5 Word Spud & Lie Swatter - Kinda forgettable