It's still some really solid Rush gameplay and I think some of the levels are much more interesting than the first game, but it spends too long telling a story that I really don't care about and is full of weird minigame levels with vehicles that feel like classic DS gimmicks and none of those land for me either.

I genuinely really like Unleashed, visually it's still the best looking Sonic game to this day somehow (which is crazy, Sega need to step it up) and the game in the franchise that feels the most 'triple A' in terms of presentation in general.

They started the boost formula era with one of its best implementations, day levels feel great and exciting, full of set pieces and banger tracks and solid designs.

The night time stages are honestly pretty fun as well on there own. The Werehog controls ok and has some fun combo animations.

My main 2 issues with Unleashed are pretty big complaints though. The game runs AWFULLY. Daytime stages are normally ok with moments of slowdown but Night-time stages feel like a slog with the framerate a lot of the time.

Second of all are the medals. I said that the Werehog levels are fun and they are...once. Having to replay werehog levels is not fun during a playthrough because you need to find medals, especially when the levels are SOOO long.

Sonic Colours is a fine game. Its not as good as unleashed in terms of story, visuals, gameplay or anything really, but its streamlined a lot better and has it's moments.

Not a big fan of wisps still though

This is it right here, this is the #1 best Sonic game ever made.

It may be lacking in personality, character, and story. But it perfected everything else in every other aspect:
Levels are peak
Physics are peak
Level replayability in the form of challenges
Having past OSTs as unlockable content

It's all exactly what I wanted in a Sonic game and the fact that they never made a boost game after this as good as this is a shame.
(screw the final boss though, what even is that?)

Pretty darn ugly as a game but it's still a really solid platformer that celebrates the series. Also mad respect for bringing back the Sonic Heroes special stages and Water Palace.

Interesting choice to name this game Sonic 4 after all these years and THIS is the game you make.

The main issue here is obviously the physics, the game just doesnt FEEL like it should. Sonic's momentum just doesn't really work well at all. Other than that it's a pretty short and bland experience.

Admittedly much better than the first 'Episode' of the game. Physics feel much better (although still not ideal) and the tails combo stuff is a novel addition that I don't mind.

But it still just feels cheap and not exciting at all.

Probably THE most underrated Sonic game. It just feels super clean to play, controls feel tight and responsive, music's great, the parkour gimmick works well in the levels.

I get it's not instantly as fast as the previous games but when you know level layouts you get into such a fun rhythm playing Lost World.

I'll never get the hate on this one.

I said that Generations is my favourite Sonic game but Mania is EXTREMELY close and they probably swap back and forth quite often.

Everyone knows why Mania is great, they NAILED the physics and momentum on classic Sonic in a way not done in years and not done since. Visually it's gorgeous. Level themes are great (Press Garden is an instant classic).

The videogame equivalent of a hug, this is the perfect comfort game.

Sonic Forces is essentially just a downgrade to Generations in every way.
Controls feel worse, music is worse (for classic sonic mainly), levels are short and lacking, Classic Sonic being back at all and feeling like an unnecessary addon.

But I also can't get myself to hate it too much because I still have fun playing it (except Classic Sonic)

The Avatar is a fun gimmick and his levels are ok, and contain the best music in the game. Infinite is so edgy that he's a bit of fun, just like the whole story.

An open world Sonic game full of small little platforming puzzles... everything I do not want in a Sonic game at all.

This one hurts because I can see this being the direction the franchise takes going forward for years to come and that is my worst case scenario.

Sonic to me, is a series of detailed and fun levels to learn and platform through, getting better and better each time so that you learn to go through them faster and more fluidly.

This game is not that, the game feels like 90% filler and the actual "levels" with cyberspace all control awfully and visually are just ugly to look at.

The story, while having nice character interaction moments where Sonic and friends just chat is extremely dull and uneventful.

I've heard it gets better with the updates/DLC but I do not care to find out. I played on launch and did not like it.

Do this more often!

This game is so wholesome and fun as a little April Fools surprise. Character writing is on point somehow to deliver an excellent little visual novel detective story.

The artwork alone is worth playing this as character portraits and the artstyle used are just top tier. Love this little gem!

It's Mario.. it's fine. But the original doesn't hold up really nowadays, not that thats a problem, it just is what it is.

This was lost for a reason, keep it that way.

Pretty good, characters make a nice change and introduces Shy Guys and they're my guys.

Bring Wart back