This game is truly depressing. Not to say the setting is sad, but it is another game showing the decline of one of my favorite developers. It is reminiscent of Mass Effect Andromeda, the game that was the first clear step in the decline of another beloved developer.

- loading screens every 10 seconds
- empty worlds with the same 5 copy pasted locations
- AI is shit
- Animation is the same lifeless crap
- the lauded gunplay is and improvement but thats a low friggin bar. Its still behind games decades old
- cant fly your ship place to place. In skyrim you could actually go to any mountain. In Starfield if you actually take the hours (in real time) to fly to the next planet you find a floating jpeg
- the feeling you get traveling in skyrim, the possibility of random encounters is lost, the soul of what makes bethesda games great is absent in this title
- lastly its a buggy mess. We fans of bethesda looked the other way for years because the experience we got, one we couldn't get anywhere else. But this bland, empty, lifeless games doesn't have that. This is a game that even the modders won't touch.
Actions have absolutely 0 consequence. The game just loops around in ways regardless of your choices to have the outcome they wanted. One questline i remember specifically you are meeting for a deal. You try to kill and take the money, papa says no and you cant (not even an option to tell him to stick it and do it anyway). you try to negotiate and papa does it for you. this leads really into my next point
you are pointless - most quests could have been solved by the givers with a fucking email. You go here, tell person this, come back. Even when you are doing something, like in the quest alluded to above there is someone better for the job. Just shut up and let papa do it for you.

TLDR: Its hot garbage, move along

Amazing game made by an amazing developer. I always played Divinity Original Sin 2 and thought, 'man it would be awesome to play this with D&D rules and spells, oh well'.
Well dreams come true!

- Well written characters and dialogue
- Feeling of choices having consequences
- Fun Combat
- Great story and writing
- Not all dnd stuff is implemented. A big one are the feats, none of the wisdom/intelligence feats (observant, keen mind, etc) are implemented so Int/Wis builds like cleric and wizard feel like well i guess i'll do ASI then
- Some bugs, but no game breaking or really troubling ones.

Loved this game as a kid.
Wizards kick ass!

My whole family still talks about this game. The action of a side scroller (a half decent one) then a city builder where you fly around as a cherub kicking demon ass.

Hands down the best mario game.

Fantastic game for its time. Though not my literal first game, I consider it to be. It was the first game I was really into, rather than just filling time at grandma's.

This is the good Star Wars Battlefront not EA's shitty remake. It is far superior.

This game is not perfect but it is so friggin fun. I have been playing since its' original release in '99. It is still a game I can pick up and play for a few hours and have fun.

- fun rts combat/management
- many nations/factions allow for varying matches
- the many nations/factions also allows for varying strategies and tactics.
- fun campaigns
- nostalgia factor!
- The AI has never been fantastic, tho this definitive edition is a big step up.

I loved this game. Its relatively fun to play, but the humor was on point.

A fun RPG from a great developer. My main gripe is that it feels short.

- interesting world/setting
- Good characters
- Interesting environments
- Good Combat (not fantastic, but more then decent)
- felt a bit short for this type of game. From the developers of New Vegas I expected a bit more sprawling and open rather then small interlinked sandboxes.

This game isn't great, but i loved it as a kid.

A fun post apocalyptic survival game. The thing that really sets it apart for me is that you can send agents around to explore the world, fight, and gather resources.

I wish they had made these combats you fought yourself rather then auto-fight based on the characters skill.

Open world dark souls.. done well. Need I say more?

The same fun difficult combat of the souls games
Great atmosphere amplified by the
excellent music / sound design
Great worldbuilding, though details are subtle not spelled out for you.
Epic boss fights that will make you rage and then celebrate when you finally beat them.
Sprawling open world filled with details, I swear everytime i play i discover another little secret area I'd never found before
The only reason not 5/5 is i find replayability low. The fun for me at least, is in the discovery. Finding new cool gear, fighting new bosses, new monsters, finding new spells and so on. At some point, like all games you run out of new stuff and the gameplay doesn't have a 'loop' to maintain replayability - for me that is.
though the world and setting is great I do wish you didn't have to hunt for lore. Not everyone's cup of tea but I liked the notes and novels in games like skyrim, pillars of eternity, Bg3 even. - not a full novel, but enough to give you some tasty tasty lore.

When i last played it was a buggy mess.
I've been told its better now and will change review if it is in fact improved.

A well made open world survival game. Fun and good setting with simple but good visuals.

- Open world done well - Great exploration
- A steady building of power as you defeat each boss and unlock new gear/resources
- The food/drink mechanic makes the survival element relevant whilst not being a pain, a truly fantastic implementation
- fun intense combat that is more than button mashing, without being frustrating
- Its a viking setting, but not much world building. It is done entirely through the stones you can read. It's interesting but not present enough to make a lasting impression.