I actually played this game a lot back in 2014-15. I mostly remember the miku collab (I still listen to that stage theme sometimes).
From what I remember it was the stereotypical gacha game. Really generic. There are so many like it. It's kind of sad that this game is dead and probably lost to time. Such is the fate of online only mobile games.

Really grindy pokemon clone
It looked great for a phone game from it's time. It clearly wasn't just another mobile shovelware.
Maybe this could have been a better game if it was released for the 3ds... or the vita (lol). Then it wouldn't have been full of the typical mobile manipulation tactics to make you spend more money.

Esta app (que yo conozco como Preguntados) estaba en todos lados en su tiempo, todos jugaban y no es tan extraño; es bastante entretenido.
A mi particularmente me gusta ya que soy el tipo de persona que le gusta tener su cerebro lleno de trivia de un montón de cosas inútiles.
Con el tiempo muchas preguntas que en su tiempo eran relevantes, ya no lo son, o su respuesta cambió, pero siguen quedando en el juego. Todas las preguntas parecen ser escritas por jugadores; yo por lo menos escribí unas cuántas.
El gran problema de esta app es precisamente que los usuarios escriben sus preguntas. Estas terminan siendo o muy específicas o demasiado simples, escritas claramente por un niño de 11 años.
Personalmente me gusta este juego más que su secuela, principalmente ya que me gusta lo simple que es.

Fun time waster text-based game. I come back to this game from time to time.
I had a lot of fun playing it, it's kind of addicting, trying to archive certain kind of goals and living differently every playthrough.

The big problem with this game is the monetization... oh wow shocker it's a mobile game. The ads are annoying and so much of the game is gated behind a paywall. Just use a modified apk and you'll be fine.

Oh and one more thing to add: the android version is always behind the ios version in terms of updates and features

Great idea but it's just the definition of jank: the combat is kind of clunky, the targeting is weird, jumping feels awful, doing jumping attacks makes you stutter and teleport, the voice acting is weird and annoying, the ui is tiny and it's just obvious it didn't have other languages in mind when they made it.

It sucks because it was a good idea that needed polish, but it was released with the features of a beta, with micro transactions just to chase the battle royale trend.

Oh and btw the game is omega dead, even if it has crossplay no one is playing this... except crazy people like me. If you gather a group of 12 you'll be able to play this...game. Honestly it's surprising the servers are still up.

If you don't believe I'm crazy... I got the platinum trophy for this game... yeah

the gameplay is exactly the same if you play the console games with the just dance controller app.
It has a ton of songs... hope you like to play 1 or 2 a day if you don't want to pay extra
Still... it's a great option that you can use to play with friends in a party

Temple run but with crash bandicoot.
They "released" this game way too early, with very little content, which is ironic considering this is an endless runner type game.
It is now shut down. Why was this game online only? Because money.
Sad, it had potential... or maybe I'm just biased, I only played this game because of the ip this was attached to.

It's a port, it's practically identical to the original 3ds version
EDIT: I've just realized that my number 1 complaint with this game was fixed in this release... now in order to progress to act 3 or get the event to marry your partner you no longer need to softreset a thousand times! Now this game is basically the perfect farming/rpg game!

Great farming/rpg game
Probably the best of the series in many aspects, like the farming mechanics, the combat, the amount of stuff to do and arguably the best cast of characters.

BUT, I have to take 1 full point because of the awful event mechanics that can completely halt your progress. I can't believe that continuing the game's story or marrying your waifu/husbando is tied to RANDOM CHANCE. If you get unlucky you will waste a lot of time resetting to get the specific event you need to progress.

Fallout Shelter copycat that I play daily
I'm in too deep to quit now

An idle game
I "played" it a lot
It's worse than cookie clicker
That's it

I wanted to play a multiplayer game with my gf (but we could only use our phones for that at that moment), that was in real time instead of taking turns. This game was probably the best one we found.
Really fun.

Typical auto runner mobile game
You'll only play this to get cat food in battle cats

I played as Vince McMahon and when catwoman almost killed me I unlocked the powers of Doctor Manhatan, I then took over the whole map.
Amazing game.

A Rougelike gacha game? That combination shouldn't work but the game is really fun.
If you like gacha mechanics but hate the predatory monetization practices that are common in most typical gacha games, play this game. It has fun combat mechanics that keep the game fresh, trying out different builds with the different characters that you unlock via the gacha. You can speed up unlocking stuff by paying but that is 100% not necessary, at least it was like that when I played this game like a year ago.