Don't be fooled, this is barely a mario game and that's a good thing. This is a tennis rpg featuring original (normal human) characters. Imagine if the modern mario sports games had a full rpg story mode.
The gameplay in the tennis matches is fun, though a little tedious. Grinding to get stat ups is not fun at all. The story is... well it's a story. Don't expect an amazing script, but it's an excuse to play matches, level up, get better and ascend the rankings.

Iconic game. This is where the Tekken series starts to get really good.
Crazy to think that Kazuya is not even on this game; he was fully replaced by the cool new generation fighter Jin Kazama.
The gameplay is pretty good and it finally feels fluid and 3d. The animations are amazing, just look at Eddy.

The ps1 version has a good amount of content: arcade/story mode, tekken force (a beat em up mode), versus of course and the really fun tekken ball. You unlock characters by playing and beating the game a number of times, these characters include: dr. Bosconovitch, an old scientist that can barely stand up, and Gon, a guest character that is a little dinasour.

This game is just sick. The gameplay is fluid and the soundtrack of this game is amazing. So many great and iconic tracks. My favorite has to be Jin's theme though I also like the final boss theme a lot.

How is this game on ps1? It has to be one of the best looking games on the console. The best part is that it's almost identical to the arcade version, just with more content.

A fighting game for fans of the anime. This game is actually pretty good for what it is. It's simple mechanics make this game very casual friendly, even then it has airdashes and some limited combo opportunities.

The presentation is this game's strongest factor. The game looks amazing for a 2d ps1 game. Every character looks great and their personalities shine with the animations. The backgrounds also look great.
Regarding the music/sound design, it has good background music, nothing crazy but it fits the feudal setting. The voice acting is surprisingly good and you can even customize what lines the characters say depending of the matchup.

The worst part of the game is the only mode other than versus, the story mode. It's very barebones and it's told in a visual novel style. You move on a grid but it doesn't matter where you go as you need to finish every fight/minigame in order to get to the final boss. It's basically arcade mode. You can't ignore this game mode as you unlock every character in the game in it (when you start the game you can only choose 2 characters in story mode and 4 in versus).

I killed my opponent in the ring then in the memorial show I got destroyed by Hollywood stars in a 10-man tag. Very fun chaotic game, the Mdickie games are "bad" but have this unique weirdness that is so funny to witness. It's like stuff just happens around you and you have to survive.
For some reason I prefer this 2d version over the 3d one.
My one problem with this game is the submission system, in which, if I'm doing the grapple it lasts a few seconds (or less if I input a direction), but when the AI does it, it can last an eternity.

It's a fun enough conversion of the board game.
I played the version included with Netflix and it was alright. The meat of the game is playing with randoms and you can tell that at least 2 players are bots each game. Still, it's fun when the mind games start at the end of each match.
The board game is way better but it can be a good enough alternative. I didn't test the option but you can play with friends.

It's like the opposite of gen 5. It introduces the least new pokemon of any generation, the dex is full of pokemon from other generations, you have a lot of options and can catch a lot of many different pokemon before you get to the second gym.

It's sadly an unfinished game, it's also very very easy and has no postgame. Still... I don't think it was that bad, just... alright. Not the most impresive jump to 3d. I guess creating over 600 3d models and the attack animations took most of the limited development time.

It's my 3rd most played 3ds game and I had fun for what it is, the pokemon formula is what kept me playing. Collecting, batting, playing with friends, that had nothing to do with how good or not this specific game was. It was just the latest pokemon game at that time and that was all I needed. It needed to not be bad and it wasn't.

This game at it's core is a minmaxer's dream. You can create crazy super soldiers by selectively breeding your soldiers with each other so that they get powerful skills like galeforce. You can also endlessly level up diferent classes by reclassing with the seals and, unlike other fire emblem games, there's endless skirmishes where you can grind levels/weapon proficiency.
All of that makes the game a breeze. Once you unlock the random skirmishes or you get access to the dlc even the hardest difficulty is manageable.
They even made a super hard dlc map with this in mind, and that hard map has an even harder secret path if you easily beat it.
Honestly, I love the freedom of customization and progression this game has, it is a totally different experience than other fire emblem games. For some people this is a weakness of the game, losing the tense tactical gameplay where you have to make the best move or permadeath will take away your units and limited resources, but for me, making even the worst unit capable of steamrolling the enemy army is just pure fun.

Oh there's also the story... it's not that good but I like a lot of the cast. Sure, there are some duds (like Virion, Miriel and the worst one Kellam) but since you get so many characters to choose to bring to battle it's not that big of a deal. The graphics are... alright, the animations too. The music has some great bangers, some of the best tracks in the franchise.

Overall, this game is flawed, but I love how crazy it is. It's clear that the developers made this game thinking it was going to be the last of the series.

Help I can't get spamton out of my head


Cute little indie game about a cat that stumbles into saving a civilization of robots in a post-apocalyptic setting.
It's very simple with some light puzzles scattered here and there.
I honestly enjoyed my time with the game. I liked it so much that I got the platinum trophy, which includes speedrunning the game and beating it in less that 2 hours... and that is more than enough to beat this game if you ignore every collectible or side activity... not that there are many. If you take your time a normal playthrough takes like... 4 hours? It's a short linear game with 2 open (not really) areas. Weird that there's not much exploration in a game where you are a cat.
Still, the game's charming and looks great. The cat's movement is fluid and I love that there is a dedicated meow button and a trophy for sleeping for 1 hour.

Very low quality Heroes of might and magic-like game
The worst part is that it's pay to win, with the best units locked behind crystals. Also you HAVE to be online to play this.

This game is not that bad... if you can get past the microtransactions and other awful systems typical of free to play mobile games.
The best way to experience this game is with modified versions of it. Don't give EA your money.

Now this is a good game you can play on your phone. So much of what you can find on mobile devices is either pay to win or just not good at all. Just referring to a game as a mobile game has the connotation that it's bad.
This is just a good rougelike and it's crazy that it's completely free. Really fun (and difficult) and one of the best games you can have on your phone that is not an emulator.

Cute little game you'll play to waste time
Not that unique

Fun at the beginning, then it's not that fun at all, trying everything to make new stuff. It's just frustrating if you play the game blind. Then you search the internet for the solutions and then what? The game is just bad.
Also you better play offline if you are on mobile or else you're going to be bombarded with ads, which is just great isn't it?

I remember this game. I actually played the beta on PC then the mobile version on Android when it released. I only played this game because I loved/love everything Tekken
It was very much pay to win but I had fun with the cards I had, battling other players.