I've seen people praise this game; calling it the best racing game in the system and an amazing conversion of the console version.

It... just isn't. Sure it has an adventure mode and more characters than the gba mario kart, but if we compare those games mario kart is just better; it has better graphics, better presentation, better music and better controls.

The controls are what killed the game for me. Sure the console version is kinda sluggish feeling but you can still chain drift boosts to keep your speed and momentum going. This game does have drift boost but wow it feels awful. In ctr and cnk you drift boost using the bumpers (r1 and l1); you start the powerslide by pressing one of the two buttons and then you press the other with the correct timing. In gba cnk you initiate the powerslide with R then to boost YOU PRESS A, yes that's right you have to let go of the accelerate button then time it right to get the boost. I kind of got used to the awful control scheme, but even then the courses are not clear enough to commit to the powerslides, they look terrible and don't have any indicator, unlike gba mario kart.

Mario kart super circuit isn't even the best gba racing game, that title goes to one of the fzero games on the console.

Thinking about my favorite Tekken game gets difficult when I consider this one.

Gameplay wise this is probably the best in the series so far. It's not perfect (the engine leads to some weird imprecise hit detection in some instances) but it's way better than TTT2 (that was Bait and Poke: the game). Screw is better than bound; not only it looks cooler and the combos flow better, but it also limits the insane damage at the wall that bound allowed and the positioning game that left the attacker at a bigger advantage.

The gameplay is the most important part of a fighting game, but nowadays you need more than a great versus mode experience. There's a lot of little problems that add up and affect the experience:
-the game has to load EVERY TIME YOU REMATCH, even if nothing has changed.
-load times are sloooooow.
-the online experience is pretty bad and not on par with today's standards.
-the game looks worse than ttt2. How is that even possible? Look at Lili or Leo in this game then look at their models in ttt2. The hair notoriously looks worse on everyone.
-the customization is more limited compared to ttt2 and in some aspects you'll get worse looking characters that tekken 6.
-there's not much to do offline/single player: The cinematic story mode is...alright. The individual character stories are baaad. The only thing you are left with is treasure battle which is just endless mode... and bowling which is dlc.
-the worst one: it doesn't have team battle mode...

Even with all of my criticism about the lack of content, this is still one of my favorites in the franchise and I've played it for so many hours... offline single player, offline with friends, online with friends and online in ranked. I've played it on pc and ps4. I have the platinum trophy, in fact it was my fist plat and one of the reasons I got a ps4.

Still... I can't say that this is a 5/5 or the best Tekken game. I hope Tekken 8 fixes a lot of what this game got wrong.

I only played this game because I saw the 4th movie and I wondered if there were any videogames.

After getting the platinum trophy, I can say that I had a lot of fun with my time with the game. Expedited mode is definitely the way to play it, the quick decision making gets you in the zone and it becomes very satisfying when you survive situations that were stacked against you, which is very John Wick.

The game can get very hard when you are trying to get all of the names, mainly because the different locations contain multiple stages that you have to ace one after the other, with health, ammo, weapons and focus carrying over. The difficulty can get very frustrating at times, with the last 2 locations having some of the worst moments (specially the bank). Mercifully, you don't have to get every name in a single run, so you can save the speedrun one for later.

Overall, this is a great little indie game, that can get challenging at times, depending on the mode you play. I can see why people wouldn't like it; turn based tactical gameplay is not for everybody and fans of the movies maybe would prefer an action game.

This game is one of the best in it's genre. I love it so much I completed it twice, once on pc and then I got the platinum on ps4. It has beautiful graphics that still look good to this day (and probably will always stand the test of time), great and silly presentation, and a big focus on fun and responsive gameplay.

In some aspects I think origins is the better of the 2, like the level progression and world map, but legends is the complete package; it even includes a big number of levels from origins... also minigames, online challenges, and finally a unique 4th character.

The big highlight of legends are the music stages at the end of every "world". I find myself replaying those stages a lot.

This game is fun even if you only play it solo, though the up-to-4 players multiplayer experience is when the game is at it's best.

Anyone that gives it more than 3 stars is blinded by nostalgia. Sure you can like gen 4 for the many great things it introduced to the franchise, the number 1 for me being the special/physical split, but this is also the games where wifi connectivity was introduced, including the GTS. You can also like the new pokemon (most of them are great additions), the new region, the new characters and (the best part of the games) the amazing ost, including eterna forest one of the best songs of the whole franchise.

I like gen 4, a lot... but why the hell would you go back and play diamond/pearl????? Everyone talks about the sloooow gameplay (it's present in every gen 4 game in some way) but it's more than that.

How can a 2d game lag? Why does it take so long to save? Why does the hp bar deplete so slowly? Why does the game need to think and breathe after every action? Yeah the game is slow. Slower than every other gen 4 game. Surfing in this game is painful. So is the snow route. There are some things that platinum just doesn't fix completely and are part of Sinnoh as a region. The marsh, the snow, the honey trees, having to use defog, the amount of hms... Sinnoh is designed to be slow. It works sometimes... the vives are just great in some areas like eterna forest or outside the pokemon league.

The new pokemon are great but have you seen the og Sinnoh pokedex? Why doesn't it include every new mon added in gen 4? Why is magmortar not available in the standard playthrough? Why is ponyta the only fire type you can catch? The lack of fire types is a common complaint but variety is not a thing in this game: there's only 2 ice type lines (mamoswine, glaceon and froslass are not available lmao) and if you want an electric type you'll probably use shinx, because your only other options are either pachirisu or pikachu (sorry no rotom, magnezone or electivire for you until you beat the game).

The progression in this game is so weird. There are some big gaps between some gym leaders then at the end it's mostly rapid fire. It feels rushed and unfinished, and the last gym, the "electric" gym leader only using 2 electric types is great isn't it? After that there's a big jump in the level of the pokemon of the elite 4, but there's only 1 route and the victory road between the last gym and the last 5 fights. Cynthia's pokemon are around level 61-63 (with garchomp at level 66!) but the last gym leader's best pokemon is level 49?

Platinum fixes almost every issue in diamond and pearl. It makes the vanilla games look unfinished in comparison, like it was a beta. It changes the order of the gym leaders, adds several new areas, changes the team composition of enemy trainers and the best of all: fixes most of the technical aspects of dp (surfing is not that painful!) It's still a Sinnoh game though... you'll still need a bidoof and another mon to use every hm and the marsh, snow and foggy routes still exist.

Just play platinum... unless you want a glameow idk

It's so janky and lacks polish but has a lot of cool ideas. Now that overwatch is free I still think that paladins deserves to be played.

Can you imagine games getting better than this?

You wait but with nice pixel art in the background

Fun autorunner. You actually have a lot of control, it's like rayman legends but with small levels and you go forward automatically.
Looks great for a mobile game by the way.

I used a modified apk to play this game
I could skip all of the waiting, play the game whenever I wanted... and when you strip the game of all of that annoying waiting and paid bullshit what's left is very mediocre. The story is...mediocre at best. The side content sucks. Building relationships with the other students leads to nothing. The repeated dialog when you take them to eat or play gobstones gets annoying.
One of the last things I did in the game is completing a side quest (that players playing legit would have no hope of completing in time) to become an animagus. It had no effect in the game at all except I now turned into an animal when I was in my room with my pets.
This game could have been so much better. I love the concept but wow it was done in the worst way possible.

This game is so weird

The LOUD sound effects
The roster that includes ff characters
The rpg mode that has completely different mechanics from the rest of the game
The minigames
The weird arena fighter/wrestling fighting mechanics

It's really unique
God bless the ring

This is actually a pretty fun multiplayer game, meant to be played over and over. It has a fun collection of minigames but unfortunately I don't think the game has enough content.
You'll probably play the "campaign" once or twice either solo or with a friend and then be done with the game.

I can't believe I completed this game when I was a kid
Hey at least it looks pretty good for a ps1 game

This game is so addicting. It's perfect for quick playthroughs fitting of the portable console It's in. I'm not even into pinball games but the gameplay loop of catching, evolving and going into bonus stages just works. It has 2 boards and the main objective is trying to complete the pokedex. Emphasis on trying. I've played this game a lot and I'm still missing entries.